Background: Job burnout is a term to describe the negative changes in attitudes and behavior of people exposed to work stress. This study aimed to measure the intensity of burnout among rural health workers and to determine its related factors in Northeastern provinces of Iran.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study a total of 548 rural health workers (Behvarz) working in medical universities of Shahroud, Sabzevar, Neishabour, Bojnourd and Semnan randomly were selected and investigated through Maslach Burnout Inventory. Data were analyzed using proportional ordered logistic regression and chi-square tests.
Results: Most of the participants (71%) were female and married (90%). 14.6% of the participants were completely satisfied with their income and 7.4% with their essential facilities. Despite moderate satisfaction with their income and essential facilities, more than 75% of the rural health workers were highly interested in their job. The mean score of the intensity of emotional exhaustion, lack of personal accomplishment, depersonalization, conflict and burnout among the participants were 16.9±15.60, 35.5±13.54, 4.8±5.07, 6.1±4.66, and 63.1±25.14, respectively. Significant relationships were observed between burnout and factors including satisfaction with income and essential facilities, interest in job, gender, and place of residence.
Conclusion: Although burnout among rural health workers is low, the intensity of emotional exhaustion, lack of personal accomplishment in health workers with experience of over 10 years is high. The opportunity to transfer high experienced workers to health houses close to city center, and providing the opportunity of continuation of education and academic and job promotion can improve the situation.