Abstract: (11132 Views)
Intestinal obstruction associated with pregnancy is a rare but serious event. Morbidity and mortality are significant for both of the mother and the fetus, mostly owing to delayed diagnosis. Clinical picture is often complicated by the numerous causes of abominal pain in the gravida. The most common causes of obstruction in pregnant woman are adhesions from previous surgery and volvulus. The goal is to know the details of the patient’s history and physical examination, understanding the physioligic changes of pregnancy, formulate differential diagnoses and utilize appropriate laboratory and radiographic tests.
We report a 37 - year - old Afghanstian pregnant woman G19 Livingchild = 0 with gestational age of 32W with small bowel volvulus complicating pregnancy who presented with vomiting and epigastric pain. Acute abdominel pain in the pregnant woman like appendicitis, pancreatitis, pepticulcer and pre-eclampsia must be considered as differential diagnoses. The treatment is immediate surgery.
Type of Study:
Research |