Volume 19, Issue 105 (3-2013)                   RJMS 2013, 19(105): 67-71 | Back to browse issues page

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Mostafapour E, Pourfakharan M, Hosseini E, Mostafapour A, Javad-Mousavi S A, Pourfakharan M H. Case report: Monitoring of blood pressure and pulse rate and sending the information to physician by Global System for Mobile Communications. RJMS 2013; 19 (105) :67-71
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-2403-en.html
Ganjineh Salamat Research Co
Abstract:   (6286 Views)

Background: Hypertension is a common chronic disease with increasing prevalence worldwide. Regular close monitoring of blood pressure is key point of hypertension management. Home monitoring of blood pressure has its own problems such as lack of early access to a physician in case of emergency. In this study we have designed a device that could send the patient’s self-measured blood pressure to physician.


Case report: A 56 year old woman with a 6 year history of hypertension was enrolled to the study. After giving information about using the device, we gave it to her. With each use of device at home we received an SMS (Short Message Service) on patient’s blood pressure that were coordinated with self-recorded blood pressures. This device consisted of a designed electronic board and installed components (such as programmed mobile board and micro controller) placed on the board and attached to a blood pressure measuring device. After pushing a button, the blood pressure was measured spontaneously and data shown on an LED monitor and sent through GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) by a sim card to the physician.


Conclusion: This new device helps physicians to control patients’ blood pressure closely without any extra cost. Also using this device will decrease the rate of complicated hypertensive attacks.

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Type of Study: case report | Subject: General Surgery

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