Volume 19, Issue 101 (11-2012)                   RJMS 2012, 19(101): 1-7 | Back to browse issues page

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Emadi M, Ramezani Tehrani F, Yaghmaei P, Sheikholeslami S, Hedayati M. Serum adiponectin levels and its association with insulin resistance and obesity in women with poly cystic ovarian syndrome. RJMS 2012; 19 (101) :1-7
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-2257-en.html
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (10338 Views)

  Background : Adiponectin is one of the adipokines derived from adipose tissue. It is involved in the regulation of glucose metabolism, Insulin Resistance (IR) and obesity-related disorders. Adiponectin in patients with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) has a different expression. This study was performed to assess the serum levels of adiponectin in PCOS patients considering the high prevalence of insulin resistance in this patients and its relation with body mass index, fasting insulin and fasting glucose to evaluate

  Methods: This case-control study was performed on 45 PCOS patients and 45 controls being matched in regards to age and BMI . Adinopectin level was measured by ELISA. FBS and insulin were measured by glucose oxidase and ELISA method, respectively. Insulin resistance was determined by HOMA-IR.

  Results : Serum adiponectin level in PCOS subjects and healthy women did not differ statistically. There was no significant difference between fasting insulin and fasting glucose levels in PCOS subjects and healthy women. However, HOMA-IR in PCOS subjects was significantly higher than healthy women. There was a significant negative correlation between adiponectin level and BMI (p=0.035) and fasting glucose (p=0.019). However, after separation of the two groups there was no correlation between adiponectin and BMI.

  Conclusion: Despite the relationship between adiponectin levels and BMI, and as no relation is observed with PCOS, the role of this adipokine in the syndrome is unlikely. Thus, apparently increase in the amount of adiponectin will not be effective in preventing the syndrome.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Biochemistry

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