Volume 19, Issue 97 (7-2012)                   RJMS 2012, 19(97): 29-37 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghavidel N, Samadi M, Kharmanbiz A, Asadi A, Feyzi A, Ahmadi R, et al . Investigation of substance use prevalence and the interrelated factors involved through third-year high school students in Nazarabad city from January 2008 to June 2008.. RJMS 2012; 19 (97) :29-37
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-2153-en.html
Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (10129 Views)

  Background : Opioids are one of the most prevalent hygienic difficulties of the country and are causes of prevalence of some dangerous diseases such as AIDS and Hepatitis. Studies show relatively more prevalence of substance use in 15-35 years old students in the country. The purpose of the present study is investigation prevalence of substance use and the interrelated factors involved with third-year high school students in Nazarabad city.

  Methods: This is a cross sectional study done on 400 students including 204 female and 196 male of third-year of high school in Nazarabad city by random sampling.

  Research instruments were questionnaire Investigating substance use in young students and MMPI test. The methods of data analysis, were descriptive statistics methods, Pearson and Chi-Square tests, in the format of software program of SPSS 11/5.

  Results: The findings of the study reveal that 24/5% students were users of substances such as: cigarette, alcohol, opium, psychoactive substances, heroin, heroin crack, LSD, cannabis and cocaine. Prevalence of substance use was expressively more in males ( % 69/7) than females ( % 26/2) and the most important cause of use was amusement ( % 42/5) and curiosity ( % 29/9). Prevalence of substance use in suburban boys’ high schools is more than urban boys’ high schools. Prevalence of psychological disease was similar to usual individuals but some disease such as psychotic disorders, hysteric, adjustment disorders and OCD in substance users was more than usual students.

  Conclusion: The prevalence of substance use in teenagers is high and the most cause of use is entertainment and curiosity, Therefore some steps should be taken to resolve this problem.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Public Health

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