Abstract: (11946 Views)
Aplastic anemia is a clinical syndrome in which there is peripheral blood pancytopenia due to reduced or absent production of blood cells without evidence of another marrow disorder. The disorder may be acquired or inherited like Fanconi’s anemia. In this study, survial and prognostic factors in acquired aplastic anemia is determined. This analytic cross-sectional study was done on 224 child patients who referred to blood disease clinic of Hazrat Ali-Asghar Hospital from 1977 to 2000. Data of patients was collected retrospectively in census methods. Survival state, demographic variables, signs & symptoms, laboratory test and kind of treatment were all recorded. Data was analyzed by Kaplan-Meier survival curves and life tables. In order to determine the factors influencing survival log rank test and cox-regression analysis in SPSS software, log rank test and cox-regression analysis in SPSS software were used. 5 and 10-year survival of acquired aplastic anemia were 55%, 41.6% respectively. In bivariate analysis, absolute neutrophil count less than 100/μlit (P=0.00) and ESR more than 60 mm/h (P=0.04) were negatively associated with survival and improved survival was associated with pallor at time of diagnosis(P=0.04). In multivariate analysis just association between absolute neutrophil count (EXP(B)=5.18) and pallor (EXP(B)=0.41) with survival were proved. In this study, survival of patients with acquired aplastic anemia in comparison with other countries was in the lowest range of survivals.
Type of Study:
Research |
Pediatric Disease