physical and mental health status of employees of faculties. Aim of this study was to investigate job burnout and
related factors in employees of Ex-Iran University of Medical Sciences faculties.
: Job burnout is a common disorder in work places which has negative impacts on job satisfaction,Methods
Sciences, with total job history of more than one year and recent position history of at least 6 months
included in study
evaluating job burnout was used in this study.
significance in this study.
: In a cross-sectional survey, in the year 2010, 445 employees of Ex-Iran University of Medical, were. A questioner included demographic questions and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) forThe data analyzed with statistical methods. p<0.05 used forResults
accomplishment 22.63(±10.13). In analysis of variance, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization levels in
female workers was more than males and in employees with job history of
(p<0.05). Emotional exhaustion and depersonalization levels in employees with above diploma degree was
higher than others (p<0.05). In employees of Hygiene faculty, personal accomplishment was lower and
depersonalization was higher than other faculties. In analysis of regression only duration of work, was
negatively correlated with job burnout.
: Mean of emotional exhaustion scores was 13.13 (±9.8), depersonalization 4 (±4.49) and personal≤10 years was higher than othersConclusion
accomplishment was high. Employees with lesser duration of work had more job burnout. Probably, female
workers, above diploma workers and workers of some faculties were more susceptible to job burnout. It is
necessary to have a suitable approach for this.
: Generally job burnout in emotional exhaustion and depersonalization was mild and in personalRights and permissions | |
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