Volume 18, Issue 89 (11-2011)                   RJMS 2011, 18(89): 46-53 | Back to browse issues page

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Investigation of Serum C–Reactive Protein and Mannose–Binding Lectin Levels in Patients with Dermatophytosis. RJMS 2011; 18 (89) :46-53
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-1960-en.html
Abstract:   (6839 Views)


Interleukin8 (IL-8) realized from keratinocytes in the presence of dermatophytic antigens causes

induction of acute responses in dermatophyte infection and subsequently production of acute phase

proteins occurs in hepatocytes. C–reactive protein (CRP) and Mannose–binding lectin (MBL) are

acute phase proteins. Since few researches in the case of acute phase proteins in dermatophytic

infections has been accomplished, this study has been designed for determining serum CRP and MBL

levels in patients affected to dermatophytosis.

Dermatophytosis is common cutaneous fungal disease with worldwide distribution.


and 105 patients affected to dermatophytosis with non probable and in access procedure. For isolation

and identification of dermatophyte direct microscopic examination, culturing and complementary

examinations were done and for determination of serum CRP and MBL levels in healthy individuals

and in patients ELISA test were used. For investigation of relevance between variables, Chi-square,

Fisher exact, Mann-Whitney and Roc curve analysis were used and p< 0.05 was considered as

meaningful level.

This was a cross sectional study and samples were carried out on 96 healthy individuals


3.31±3.32μg/ml and 16.60±35.96 μg/ml (p<0.001) respectively and the median serum MBL level was

1.53±1.87 μg/ml and 1.97±2.03μg/ml (p=0.039) respectively. CRP (p<0.001) and MBL (p=0.042)

were determined meaningful parameters for dermatophytosis. MBL deficiency (MBL concentrations

<1 μg/ml) was higher in control subjects (56.2%) than in patients (41.0%).

The median serum CRP level in healthy individuals and in patients group was


affected to dermatophytosis and their role in this infection. Probably observation of high frequency of

MBL deficiency in healthy individuals in compare with patients group indicates that it is not

predisposing factor in affecting to dermatophytosis.

Findings of this study indicate increased concentrations of CRP and MBL in patients
Keywords: Dermatophytosis, CRP, MBL.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Mycology

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