Volume 2 -                   RJMS 1996, 2 - : 254-260 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghoraian M, Moshgou M, Sarami A. ESOPHAGEAL CARCINOMA: SURVEY OF 92 CASES. RJMS 1996; 2 :254-260
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-1862-en.html
Abstract:   (8545 Views)

The study was conducted to determine the manifestation of esophageal carcinoma in Iranian patients. 92 cases with esophageal carcinoma that hospitalized in Rasool - E Akram and Rahnamoon General Hospitals were studied retrospectively.

57% of the patients were males and 62% in 50 - 70 years old ages. The common symptoms were: dysphagia (96%), odynophagia (69%) , restrosternal pain (59%) , regurgitation (53%) , nausea and vomiting (47%), coughing (17%) and hematemesis (8%).

The common clinical signs were: cachexia (62%) , lymphadenopathy (16.5%) , hoarseness (9%) and hepatomegaly (7.6%) .

69% of the tumors were detected in distal third of the esophagus and cardia. Squamous cell carcinoma (S.C.C) was the most common pathologic diagnosis.

The post operative staging of the tumors were: stage I (22%) s stage 1/(15%) , stage 11/(49%) and stage IV(15%).

The mortality rate of this patients was 7% .

In conclusion, a significant percent of the patients were detected in early stages and were successfully managed. Many of these patients had no major problem in follow - up.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General Surgery

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