Volume 5, Issue 1 (Winter 1999 1999)                   RJMS 1999, 5(1): 59-65 | Back to browse issues page

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Nilforooshan M A, Zanjani N E, saadvandian S, Malek Afzali H. Evaluation of Breast-Feeding and Roomong-In Effects on the Risk of Neonatal Infections. RJMS 1999; 5 (1) :59-65
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-1806-en.html
Abstract:   (7961 Views)

In order to evaluate the effect of breast feeding and rooming-in (R.I.) on the incidence of neonatal infections


this study was performed in Firoozgar Hospital - Tehran from 1982 through 7992.

This study was designed in order to review the birth records of neonates in three periods: 1, Pre-rooming- in (1982-1985),2, Partialy rooming-in (1985-1990) and 3 rooming-in period (7990-1992). In these three groups, prevalence of neonatal infection was analyzed.

The proportion of preterm births and cesarian section devliveries were significantly greather in the thired


The rate of neonatal infection was 2.3% in the first period, 2.7% in the sf!cond and 1.5% in the third period.

The incidence of fever was 0.6% in the first period, 0.57% in the second and 0.04% in the third period (only one neonate). Relative risk of fever found 12 times less in the third period.

On the whole the risk of neonatal infection in normal, fullterms, weighing 2500 gram or more was found to be 44% less in the third period, and no case of fever, skin rash and sepsis was found in this period

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Pediatric Disease

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