45 health personnels who were nasal carriers of staph aureus entered in this trial, seven subjects were omitted for various reesos, remainders randomly divided to 3 groups and were treated orally for 4 days.
- group I with rifampin & cloxacilline
- group 1/ with rifampin & placebo
- group 11/ with cloxacilline & placebo
All subjects were recultured 3 ~eeks after the completion of treatment.
In group I, all 14 subjects were culture negative (100% cure), in group 1/10 out of 14 were culture negative (71% cure) and, in group 11/5 out of 10 (50%), were cultur negative.
K.K statistical analysis method gave a P<0.017.
For comparison of three groups mamm-whitny test was used that yeilded following results:
- difference between group I & 1/ (P<0.033)29%
- difference between group I & II/(P< 0.036) 50%
- difference between group 1/ & 11/ (P<0.29)29%
In conclusion, oral use of rifampin and cloxacilline for four days is a suitable combination for treatment of staph aureus carriers.
*(comparision between the use of rifampin and cloxacillin alone was not possible due to low number of subjects)