In this study a comparison was made between the efficacy and side effects of nifedipine and magnesium sulfate in inhibition of preterm labor. 74 cases in preterm labor were randomized to either oral nifedipine (n = 34) or intravenous magnesium sulfate (n = 40). All cases were primigravid with singleton pregnancies and gestational ages of 23-36 weeks. Both groups were similar in terms of age, gestational age and cervical dilatation. There was no significant difference between effectiveness of magnesium sulfate (70%) and nifedipine (76.5%) in arresting labor and delaying delivery more than 48 hours. Also the difference between maternal complications was not significant in these groups. But, the time needed to stop preterm labor was shorter with nifedipine (2.98 ± 3.02 hours) than magnesium sulfate (4.8 ± 4.23 hours) (P = 0.04). So, as the administration of nifedipine is easier and its effect appears faster than magnesium sulfate and the difference between efficacy . |
and side effects of these drugs is not significant, it can be concluded that nifedipine is an appropriate alternative to the magnesium sulfate in meneqement of preterm labor. |