Helicobacter pylori is one of the world's most common pathogens. It colonizes about 60% of the world papulation. There is very little data present on the prevalence of H.pylori infection among healthy population in Iran. Our aim was to determine the seroprevalence of H.Pylori infection among children and young adult in Tehran and its relationship with a number of sociodemographic factors. In a cross sectional investigation, the seroepidemiology of H.Pylori infection was studied using an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for anti H.pylori IgG in 431 asymptomatic 10 - to 25 year - old volunteers attending 5 out - patient clinics in Tehran. 42.7% of the studied population were seropostive for H.pylori. There was an age - specific increase in H.pylori infection and there were significant differences in H.pylori infection rate related to residence site in Tehran, familyaize, parents educational level, economic status, water source and keeping pets. There was no significant difference in H.pylori infection related to gender. The results of logistic regression analysis showed that age, residecne site, family size, Parent's educational level, water source and keeping pets had the most significant association with H.pylori. It was concluded that the prevalence of H.pylori infection in Iran is generally higher than in developed countries and the rate of acquistition of H.pylori infection increases with age and inversely related to socioeconomic status. |