Abstract: (8782 Views)
Renal scarring secondary to vesicourethral reflux is associated with an increased incidence of hypertension, which has been reported in up to 38% of children with reflux nephropathy. In this study the results of captopril test on 20 patients with reflux nephropathy(reflux+Scarring) were assessed within 8 months. For this purpose we studied the plasma renin activity and blood pressure responses to a single oral dose of captopril in patients. In all of the patients, PRA in baseline measurement was high. 90 minutes after captopril intake, PRA in all of patients increased. The mean rise of PRA in two groups of patients (with normal and high blood pressure) was equal. The rise of PRA in 5 patients with normal blood pressure and 2 patients with high blood pressure was remarkable. Also, changes of systolic pressure before and after captopril test were significant (Pv<0.002). These results suggest that renin angiotansin system is activated in our patients and is the probable ethiology of hypertension in these children. Furthermore, we can use this test as a screening test to find the patients with reflux nephropathy who have potentiality for renin mediated hypertension.