Background : Diabetes mellitus is a common metabolic disease. Its association with low level of testosterone has already been shown in many studies. Considering the role of testosterone hormone in impotency, fatigue, and bone mass deficiency this study aimed to investigate the association between serum total testosterone, free testosterone index (FTI), and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) with type 2 diabetic patients and other factors.
Methods : A cross-sectional, analytic study was conducted on 38 non-diabetic and 36 diabetic men aged 40-60 years old with Body Mass Index (BMI) 18-40 (kg/m2). Fasting serum total testosterone, SHBG, FBS (Fasting Blood Sugar), HbA1C, and other hormone tests were measured at the department of endocrinology, Firouzgar Hospital. The association between serum testosterone level, SHBG, FTI with FBS, HbA1C, BMI, and other factors were separately measured. For quantitative parametric variables, independent sample T test was used. For non-parametric variables, Mann- Whitney test was used. Pearson’s correlation was performed to assess the correlation between quantitative variables.
Results : The mean age of participants was 47.7±5.7 years. Serum total testosterone, FTI, and SHBG had no difference between case and control groups. No significant association was found between good glycemic control (HbA1C<7) and serum testosterone level. However, there was a negative correlation between BMI and age with testosterone level. Mean testosterone level of smokers was significantly lower than non-smokers (p=0.008).FSH (Fasting Stimulating Hormone) in diabetic group was significantly lower (p=0.04).
Conclusion : Our study has shown that there was no relation between serum testosterone level with type 2 diabetes and glycemic control in men.