Volume 18, Issue 85 (7-2011)                   RJMS 2011, 18(85): 34-41 | Back to browse issues page

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Nazerani S, Kalantar Motamedi M H, Keramati M R, Paydar M A, Nazerani T, Koohnavard M. Treatment of upper limb deformities using soft tissue distraction: an introduction to pentagonal frame. RJMS 2011; 18 (85) :34-41
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-1645-en.html
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (12043 Views)

  Background : Soft tissue distraction is an increasingly accepted treatment method in hand surgery which can be applied as a method of contracture release from elbow to proximal phalangeal joints. Common methods have been shown that contracture release alone is not enough and leads to recurrence after a while. Currently, joint and soft tissue distraction and holding them in a proper position in which physiotherapy can be done is the most accepted method. Herein we present a technique named “pentagonal frame” for soft tissue distraction which can help us in reaching the desired outcome. As a result of novelty of this technique and lack of enough data regarding its outcome, we would like to report its treatment results in this article.

  Methods: In this case series study, we report 33 patients that presented with soft tissue contracture in their hands. In this method, a thin 1-1.5 mm Kirschner wire was passed horizontally at the proximal head of the distal phalanx and bent like a frame around the finger, forming a pentagonal shape for anchorage and allowing limb traction without damage to pulp and soft tissues. Two forms of traction were performed: static (with a wire exerting pressure) or dynamic (using a rubber band to adjust the tension). The wire or rubber band may be temporarily freed to commence active and passive physiotherapy. We maintained the frame for 3-6 weeks which played the role of night splint within final weeks. SPSS V.16 was used for data analysis.

  Results : In this study, 33 patients (23 male, 10 female) with a mean age of 20.91 years (SD=13.05) were evaluated. The patients underwent surgery for a mean of 3 times. After the surgery and removing the frame, patients were followed up every 6 months for a maximum of 5 years. The difference between flexion contracture in PIP, before and after the surgery was statistically significant (65.15 ± 37.44 vs. 7 ± 4.74, p<0.001). Except for one case of pin infection that was treated using antibiotic administration and its removal, no other major complications were encountered during the follow-up period (3-5 years).

  Conclusion : The pentagonal frame with its effective traction on soft tissues and ligaments and additional physiotherapy may be used as an effective treatment for soft tissue adhesions. Moreover, it provides traction to the fingers and even the hand without complications on distal phalanx and joints and allows concurrent physiotherapy.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General Surgery

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