Background: With increase in the age there is an increase in both the incidence of hypothyroidism and cardiovascular diseases. We wanted to see whether hypothyroidism caused false positivity in patients who did not have cardiovascular problems or not. In hypothyroid state, creatine kinase leaks into blood. Troponin I in small amount persists in Cytosolic pool (the same site of creatine kinase). Our question is:
Does Troponin I (similar to creatine kinase) leak into blood in hypothyroidism (false positivity). The pathophysiology and status of Troponin I in the myocardial cell could explain this however further investigation are required in this regard.
Methods : In this descriptive study, adult hypothyroid patients (both males and females) who did not have any cardiovascular problem or event, history of pulmonary embolism, pericarditis, and/or renal failure entered the study. Sampling of blood was done in laboratory or office and presence or absences of Troponin I was assessed by quality method. Statistical analysis was done by Chi square test.
Results: In this study, 40 hypothyroid patients were assessed for presence or absence of Troponin I. Average age was 40.075( ± SD=14.22). Meanwhile 12.5% of the patients were male and 87.5% were females (5 male and 35 female patients). Average age of males was 36( ± SD=13.72) and average age of females was 40.65( ± SD=14.39). Subclinical hypothyroidism (TSH<10mg/l) was seen in 21 patients (52.5%) overt hypothyroidism (10
Conclusion : We didn’t have any positive Troponin I in our patients. It seems that we can use Troponin I as a marker of cardiac damage in hypothyroid patients, confidently. In this study hypothyroidism didnot lead to positive Troponin I test.