Volume 11, Issue 40 (9-2004)                   RJMS 2004, 11(40): 299-306 | Back to browse issues page

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Malayeri S, Jafari Z. Frequency Distribution of Hearing Loss Among Nursing Home Residents of Tehran Province. RJMS 2004; 11 (40) :299-306
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-16-en.html
Abstract:   (8990 Views)
Hearing loss is one of the prevalent impairments among older adults and hearing screening is an efficient method to detect hearing impairments. Although the effects of some chronic conditions such as arthritis and heart diseases have been found, there is still limited information regarding effects of hearing impairment on general health and functional capabilities. So far no study has been conducted on hearing screening among older adults specially in nursing home residents in Iran. This random study was conducted from July to October 2003 on 130 elderly residents(50 males, 80 females) over 60 years of age (mean age: 78.90±9.36) living in nursing homes in Tehran province. Pure-tone audiometry screening was conducted based on two ASHA protocols including 25 dB HL at 1000, 2000 and 4000 HZ and 40 dB HL at 2000 and 4000 HZ. Also, a short and simple questionnaire was completed by elderly residents’ caregivers which was an indicator for referral for audiologic/otolaryngologic services. (Due to having impacted cerumen, 28 persons were not included in data analysis, and data analysis was finally conducted on 130 ones). Using 25 dB HL, 40 dB HL and completing questionnaire as the pass/fail criteria, 89.24%, 65.39% and 66.93% of individuals failed the screening program respectively. In each of these criteria there was no passing over 90 years of age except one passing in 40 dB HL criterion. Regarding questionnaire, the highest number of failings were related to those questions which assessed communication capabilities of persons. Also, 55.38% partial cerumen in right ear, 60.0% in left ear, 4.61% collapsed ear canal in both ears and 3.07% eardrum perforation were found. With regard to the results of pure-tone screening criteria in this study and also similarity of the results of pure-tone screening at 40 dB HL and questionnaire completion, more than 65.0% of elderly residents had hearing loss further than mild levels and needed otolaryngologic examination and/or conducting more complete audiologic tests and using audiologic rehabilitative services.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Oudiology

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