Introduction: Chondromatous hamartoma of the chest wall is an extremely rare, benign lesion that usually occurs in early infancy. It usually manifests as a palpable chest wall mass. In the present case report, the clinical, radiologic and histopathologic features of a rare neonatal case of chondromatous hamartoma are reported.
Case report: A baby boy of 16 days old was admitted to Hazrat-e-Ali Asghar Childrens Hospital for a palpable right-side anterior chest wall mass with the dimensions of 3×5×4 cm. Ultrasonographic (US) and CT scanning evaluations showed a 16×28 mm mass without mediastinal invasions, necrosis or calcifications. The mass was surgically excised and benign chondroma without significant nuclear atypia, without any mitosis or necrosis, was histopathologically reported.
Conclusion: Although rare, this condition ought to be kept in mind while dealing with infantile chest wall masses in order to avoid its complications such as respiratory problems. Surgical excision is usually curative in combination with conservative therapy if possible.