Volume 10, Issue 33 (6-2003)                   RJMS 2003, 10(33): 133-139 | Back to browse issues page

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Nojoomi M, Kafashi A, Rangiani F. PEDIATRICIANS, ANTIBIOTIC AND PARENTS REQUEST. RJMS 2003; 10 (33) :133-139
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-147-en.html
Abstract:   (9002 Views)
The consequences of resistance include higher mortality and greater morbidity. Emergence of resistance bacterial pathogens has increased concerns about antibiotic perscribing patterns. Parents request perscribing of some of antibiotics from physicians, and this may be influences on perscribing patterns of them. To limitation of inappropriate use of antibiotics, must be determine affect of parents request and their suggested strategies for control, on perscribing patterns of physicians. This study carried out to determine frequency of antibiotic use in pediatric (physicians) basis of parents request in Tehran. The type of study was cross-sectional. Method of collecting data was self-administered questionnaire and we used non probability (convenience) sampling method with going to the offices, clinics, hospitals and others. Sub specialist pediatrician was excluded. From 198 pediatricians, about 47.5% was male and saw average of 128 patients perweek and were in practice for 12 years. 32% of pediatricians indicated that 10 or more times in the past month a parent had requested on antibiotic when the physician did not feel it was indicated. 65% reported always/most of time. Or often pressure them to perscribe antibiotics when their children are ill but antibiotics are not indicated. In follow-up questions/approximately 24.7% of physicians reported they occusionally or more frequency comply with these requests. 48.5% felt that educating parents would the single most important program for reducing inappropriate oral antibiotic use. Due to results, educating of parents about appropriate indications for antimicrobials must be part of any comprehensive plan to reduce inappropriate antibiotics indication. If parents educated correctly about oral antibiotics use, not only reduce pressure on the perscribing patterns of physicians, but also effect on their behaviour for selection of useful antibiotics.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Community Medicine

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