Volume 11, Issue 40 (9-2004)                   RJMS 2004, 11(40): 277-286 | Back to browse issues page

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Kajbafzadeh A, Almasganj F, Davoudi F, Moradi M. Association between Uroflowmetry Parameters and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Women. RJMS 2004; 11 (40) :277-286
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-14-en.html
Abstract:   (12334 Views)
The aim of the present study was to investigate the correlation between different lower urinary tract symptoms with uroflowmetry parameters in 190 women aged between 15-75 years who referred to our urology clinic during 2000-2002 with lower urinary tract syndroms. A detailed history, physical examination, sonography of the urinary tract with measurement of post void urine residue, frequency/volume bladder chart, urinalysis, urine culture and data of uroflowmetry were obtained for each patient. Uroflowmetry traces were interpreted by two physicians experienced in urology and urogynecology. Patients were assigned into 8 groups according to their symptoms. There was statistically significant difference in voiding volume(VV) and average flow rate(QAve)(P=0.025) between the groups. There was no significant difference in maximum flow rate(QMax), voiding time(VT), time to maximum flow, and flow time between groups(P>0.05). The most common pattern of flow was staccato(multi-peak)(43.9%) and then interrupted(21.9%). Only 9.1% of patients had a normal flow curve. On a Liverpool mean flow rate nomogram for females, the mean flow rate of 70.5% of patients lay below the 50th percentile. Voiding volume had a significant relation with age and abnormal emptying(P=0.04, 0.02, respectively). With increasing age there was a decrease in QMax and QAve(P=0.001). Abnormal storage and sensation had a significant correlation with QAve(P=0.051, 0.071 respectively). The correlation between symptoms and uroflowmetry variables was poor. However, most of the patients with lower urinary tract symptoms had abnormalities in uroflowmetry parameters with existence of voiding dysfunction. Voiding dysfunction which is the consequence of pelvic floor disorder can cause urinary tract symptoms. For proper management of urinary tract symptoms, these correlations should be considered.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Urology & Nephrology Surgery

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