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Blood hypereosinophilia is a common finding in medical practice requiring further investigation. There are a wide range of potential causes including atopic disorder, drug allergy, parasitic infection, certain forms of immundeficiency, inflamatory process and malignant diseases. If hyper eosinophilia last a long time, and will not associated with parasitic infection and other disease could be suspected in idiopatic hyper eosinophilia syndrome that is rare disorder in children. Most cases are reported in women aged between 20-50 years and unknown etiology. We have reported a 4 years old girl with compliants of anemia, continuous fever, artheralgy, hepatomegaly and hypereosinophilia for two month, was admited in Children Hospital. In the CBC had leukocytosis, increased Eos(45%), and after role out of other causes of HES, she was treated and now she is alive and well.