Research code: PhD thesis
Ethics code: IR.IAU.DAMGHAN.REC.1403.007
, Ardeshir.zafari@gmail .com
Abstract: (572 Views)
Introduction: To reach the highest sports performance in sports, almost all athletes need high cardio-respiratory fitness, increase in muscle strength, power and force development rate, as well as speed (1). On the other hand, adaptations of training to chronic training depend on the type of training (2). For most sports, improving muscle strength or muscle power is of critical importance, which helps improve performance in speed, jumping, and skill shifting skills. Therefore, the short-term and long-term adaptations of resistance training can achieve this; However, most athletes use combined training methods to improve sports performance, the purpose of which is to obtain resistance and endurance training adaptations in one session or consecutive sessions (3). The adaptations of combined training have been of interest to sports science researchers for more than a few decades, and in terms of research literature, different terms such as parallel training or combined training are used (3). Due to the fact that the phenomenon of interference and training order are the most important challenges of doing parallel exercises. Knowing the anabolic and catabolic factors as well as the effective signaling pathways after performing this training method greatly helps trainers and sports science researchers in designing training programs (9, 10). Hormonal and anabolic changes involved in controlling the regulation of skeletal muscle protein synthesis, including testosterone, can affect variables related to muscle function, including muscle power and strength, through increasing skeletal muscle mass (11). According to the studies and the importance of concurrent training in training programs has increased significantly in recent years. At the same time, the use of interval training with different methods instead of continuous endurance training has been proposed in concurrent training. We cannot confirm with certainty that the results are more effective due to the small number of research. On the other hand, considering the limited research and contradictory results regarding the adaptations obtained from concurrent training on testosterone and cortisol as two hormones that affect the anabolic and catabolic status in athletes, it indicates the necessity of the current research. In this research, we aim to investigate the effect of concurrent training (resistance-interval) compared to traditional methods of concurrent training (resistance-endurance) on hormonal changes and muscle function during a training period in trained individuals. Therefore, the main question is whether the method of combined training with the sequence of resistance-interval training can be superior to the hormonal changes and muscle function during a short period of time compared to resistance-endurance training? Therefore, the purpose of this research is determine the effect of a concurrent training period (resistance-intermittent vs. resistance-aerobic) on the changes of testosterone, cortisol and muscle chloride in trained men.
Methodology: In this semi-experimental research, 36 trained men were selected voluntarily and randomly divided into three groups of 12: 1) resistance training, 2) resistance -endurance training, and 3) resistance -interval training. The duration of the training intervention was eight weeks and three training sessions per week. The resistance training program was with an intensity of 85% of one maximum repetition (3 sets of 4 to 6 repetitions). Interval training that included 30-second efforts at full speed for 4 to 6 repetitions (rest periods of 4.5 minutes of active recovery were separated) and aerobic training with a training intensity of 70% of maximal oxygen consumption for 30 minutes in each training session. (concurrent training groups). Blood samples and anthropometric variables and functional tests of lower limb muscles strength and explosive power lower limb muscles strength were measured using Sargent's jump and leg press tests. Body composition measurement was done using the body composition analysis device of this brand. Body composition indicators such as muscle mass and body fat were measured. Brzeski formula was used to measure the muscle strength of the selected movement of the resistance training protocol. Analysis of variance with repeated measures was used to analyze the data and all hypotheses were tested at the P<0.05 level.
Results: The results of the present research showed that a significant difference were founded in testosterone and explosive power and limb muscle strength in three training groups (P < 0.001). But there was no significant difference was founded in the changes of cortisol level (P > 0.05). The increase of testosterone in the resistance group was significantly higher than the resistance-interval and resistance-aerobic groups (P < 0.001), but there was no a difference was founded between resistance-interval and resistance-aerobic groups (P<0.05). The increase in explosive power and lower limb muscles strength in the resistance training group was significantly higher than resistance-interval and resistance-aerobic groups (P < 0.001), as well as the increase in explosive power in the resistance-interval group was significantly higher compared to resistance-aerobic group (P<0.001), but no difference in lower body muscle strength was observed between the resistance training group and the resistance-interval group (P<0.05).
Conclusion: In this research, the effect of parallel training with two approaches of resistance-aerobic training (traditional approach) versus resistance-interval training (modern approach) on hormonal changes, muscle function and muscle mass in trained people was investigated. The results showed that combined resistance-interval training caused better induction of anabolic adaptation and improved muscle performance compared to resistance-aerobic training, and caused less interference with hormonal changes and lower body muscle performance than resistance training alone. Based on the results, it can be suggested that resistance training is recommended to improve athletic performance due to the creation of hormonal anabolic conditions (increasing resting testosterone without significant changes in cortisol) to increase muscle performance (lower limb muscle strength and vertical jump power); Also, due to the effect of less interference in sports performance and hormonal status, it is suggested to use interval training followed by resistance training to obtain training adaptations in concurrent training.
Type of Study:
Research |
Exercise Physiology