Research code: مقاله مستخرج از رساله دکتری است
Ethics code: IR.IAU.NAJAFABAD.REC.1400.201
Clinical trials code: مقاله مستخرج از رساله دکتری است

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Department of psychology, Naein Branch, Islamic Azad University,Naein,Iran ,
Abstract:   (884 Views)

Background and Aims: Infertility is a complex crisis in married life; Infertile couples, in addition to facing a series of physical problems, also experience psychological problems during treatment (1). The World Health Organization defines infertility as: a disease of the reproductive system defined by failure to achieve clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected intercourse (2). Infertility has countless negative consequences in marital relationships, and as a result, the possibility of marital conflict, incompatibility, and marital frustration in relationships can increase (5). Disillusionment means the replacement of neutral emotions instead of positive emotions, and for disillusionment to happen, it is assumed that there was a set of positive feelings and emotions at the beginning of the relationship. The disillusioned couple had a feeling of love and affection, but this feeling has died a long time ago (6). People who experience frustration may feel frustration, emotional resentment or anger towards their partner, which leads to a decrease in the overall quality of the relationship (8). Among the problems faced by infertile women is a weakness in emotional balance (9). Emotional balance is a physical and mental ability that a person exhibits to show a natural reaction to environmental factors (10). Most people pay attention to the balance of their positive and negative emotions when judging the level of satisfaction with married life. In general, a person who has a good emotional balance is better able to adapt to the demands of the environment (12). Considering the complex nature of infertility and its disastrous effects on couples' relationships, it is necessary to develop effective interventions to help couples who are facing this problem. Among these treatments is Bowen's couple therapy (14). The main goal of Bueni's treatment is to reduce chronic anxiety in the family, which is done by facilitating family members' awareness of how the emotional system works and increasing their differentiation by focusing on making changes in themselves instead of trying to change others (16). In this regard, Johnson and Smith showed that Bowen couple therapy can positively affect the reduction of negative emotions and relationship dynamics of infertile couples (19). Another treatment method that seems to be effective in improving the conditions of infertile women is the use of couple therapy in the form of reality therapy (20). The goal of reality therapy is to reduce external control and develop internal control in couples; The goal is for couples to reduce the need to control their spouse and to control themselves more; That is, instead of trying to control their spouse, they should try to control their own behavior (23). Brown and Davis found in a study that Glaser's couples therapy sessions helped infertile couples to develop effective coping strategies, improve emotional support, and enhance communication skills (24). The present study seeks to answer the question whether there is a difference between the effectiveness of Glaser's couple therapy and Bowen's couple therapy on emotional balance and frustration in infertile couples.
Methods: The research design was semi-experimental with pre-test-post-test with control group and follow-up stage. The statistical population of the study included all infertile women who referred to the infertility centers of Isfahan city in the spring of 1402, of which 48 people (24 couples) were randomly selected in three groups of 16 people in Glaser couples therapy based on the criteria for entering the study. 90-minute session) and Bowen couple therapy (8 90-minute sessions) and control (no intervention) were replaced. The participants responded to Diener et al.'s (2010) and Niehuis and Bartel's (2006) marital frustration questionnaires in three stages. The research design was semi-experimental with pre-test-post-test with control group and follow-up stage. The statistical population of the study included all infertile women who referred to the infertility centers of Isfahan city in the spring of 1402, of which 48 people (24 couples) were randomly selected in three groups of 16 people in Glaser couples therapy based on the criteria for entering the study. 90-minute session) and Bowen couple therapy (8 90-minute sessions) and control (no intervention) were replaced. The participants responded to Diener et al.'s (2010) and Niehuis and Bartel's (2006) marital frustration questionnaires in three stages. The content of Glasser's couples therapy session was taken from Glasser and Glasser's package in 2010 (37) and the content of Bowen's systemic couple therapy sessions (1998) (38).
 Findings: Analysis of covariance was used to investigate the effect between groups by controlling the effect of pre-test on post-test and follow-up on the scores of emotional balance and marital frustration. The results showed that time was significant within the groups with F calculated for positive emotions (F=10.94), negative emotions (F=14.05) and marital frustration (F=60.97). The significant difference between the measurement steps is confirmed (p<0.01). In addition, with the significance of F obtained in the intergroup source in positive emotions (F=3.65), negative emotions (F=3.42) and marital frustration (F=10.05), it can be said that between groups There is also a significant difference between test and control (p<0.05). The results showed that between the two methods of couple therapy, only Glaser's couple therapy was able to effectively increase the positive emotions of the intervened infertile couples and its effect remained stable over time. Also, the results showed that both Glaser and Bowen couple therapy methods effectively and equally reduced negative emotions and marital frustration in infertile couples, and the effect of both interventions remained stable over time for negative emotions, but the effect of the treatments for frustration Marriage has not remained stable over time and has returned.
Conclusion: In the explanation obtained regarding the effectiveness of Glaser couple therapy on positive and negative emotions and marital frustration of infertile couples, it can be said that the emotional pressure of infertility often leads to misunderstandings, misinterpretations and ineffective communication patterns (41) ). Golsar couples therapy provides a safe and supportive environment for couples to openly express their feelings and concerns. Through guided communication exercises, couples learn empathic active listening skills and effective ways to express their needs and desires, helping couples face individual and social concerns and expectations about their infertility status and jointly make better decisions in get treatment and their family life and this will reduce marital frustration and negative emotions in them. In the explanation obtained regarding the effectiveness of Bowen's couple therapy on negative emotions and marital frustration of infertile couples, it can be said that this approach focuses on understanding the dynamics in couples' relationships and the larger family system (44). Infertility can significantly affect couples' relationships and cause frustration and feelings of inadequacy. In this approach, the therapist helps couples identify and understand the underlying patterns and dynamics that may contribute to marital frustration. The goal of this treatment is to increase the couple's awareness of their emotional reaction and improve their ability to communicate and effectively resolve conflicts.
 One of the limitations of the current research is that the results of this research are related to infertile couples in Isfahan city, and generalization of the results to couples with children and in other cultural contexts should be done with caution. Also, considering the nature of the research topic and the criteria for entering the research; It was not possible to select the sample randomly. Therefore, it is suggested that this research be conducted on couples on the verge of divorce. Finally, according to the obtained results, it is suggested that by holding Glaser couple therapy and Bowen couple therapy, couples can manage stress, improve marital communication, strengthen self-confidence, and train emotion management skills to help infertile couples deal with the challenges of married life.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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