Volume 29, Issue 6 (9-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(6): 228-235 | Back to browse issues page

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Karbasi F. Investigating the Relationship between Moral Intelligence and Communication Skills in Kerman Bank Maskan Employees. RJMS 2022; 29 (6) :228-235
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8566-en.html
Master's degree, Department of Psychology, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran. , fatemehkarbasi1360@gmail.com
Abstract:   (484 Views)
Background & Aims: Banks and financial institutions are the backbone of a country's economy, and the country's economic development depends on the effective performance of its banking system. In the meantime, effective human resources management has an increasing effect on the performance of the entire economy, and banks as financial institutions have a significant participation in the development process of countries. The present study sought to investigate the relationship between moral intelligence and communication skills among the employees of Maskan Bank in the city of Kerman in 1401.
Methods: The present research is descriptive and correlational. The statistical population of this research is all the personnel of Shahr Kerman Housing Bank in 1401, which is 400 people. The sample of the current research is 100 people from the staff of Maskan Bank who were selected by simple random sampling method. The tools of this research were the Moral Intelligence Questionnaire of Lenik and Keel (2005) and the Standard Questionnaire of the communication skills of Newstrom and Davis (2002). The standard questionnaire of moral intelligence has 40 questions and the purpose of this questionnaire is to examine different dimensions of emotional intelligence in different dimensions, which has 9 dimensions (acting based on principles, values and beliefs, truthfulness, perseverance and persistence for rights, keeping promises), taking responsibility for personal decisions, admitting mistakes and failures, accepting responsibility to serve others, being actively interested in others, the ability to forgive one's mistakes and the ability to forgive the mistakes of others). This questionnaire is based on a five-point Likert scale. I completely agree 5, I agree 4, I have no opinion 3, I disagree 2, I completely disagree 1. This property questionnaire has 4 subscales. The questions related to each scale are in the table below. To collect the research data in the field and to start the researcher was present at Maskan Bank among the employees who were selected by simple random sampling and the relevant questionnaires were distributed after the collection was scored to analyze the data using descriptive statistical methods. Inference was used and data analysis was done using SPSS-23 software. Inferential statistics of the multiple regression coefficients have been used to check the status of the variables.
Results: The results of this research using the multiple regression coefficients showed that there is a significant relationship between moral intelligence and communication skills (p-value <0.05) and considering the positive beta coefficients, these relationships are incremental (direct) ) Are. One of the assumptions that is considered in regression is the independence of errors (difference between real values and values predicted by the regression equation) from each other. If the hypothesis of independence of errors is rejected and the errors are correlated with each other, it is not possible to use regression. In order to check the independence of errors from each other, the Durbin-Watson test is used. If this statistic is between 1.5 and 2.5, it means there is no autocorrelation among the residuals. The calculated Durbin-Watson statistic is equal to (1.905), which indicates the absence of autocorrelation between model errors. In multiple regression analysis, when predictor variables are correlated among themselves, we say that there is multiple collinearity between them. Multiple collinearity occurs when two or more predictor variables in the regression have a high correlation with each other. The meaning of correlation here is the existence of a linear relationship between predictor variables. In statistics, the variance inflation factor evaluates the severity of multiple collinearity in ordinary least squares regression models. If the research variables have a variance inflation factor of less than 10, the assumption of non-collinearity between the variables has been observed. In the presented model, according to the values obtained in Table 1, there is no multicollinearity between predictor variables. The results of the main hypothesis test show that there is a significant relationship between moral intelligence and communication skills (p-value <0.05) and due to the positive beta coefficients, these relationships are incremental (direct). In other words, with the increase and improvement of the moral intelligence variable, the communication skill variable will also increase.
Conclusion: By increasing and improving the variable of moral intelligence, the variable of communication skill will also increase. In fact, in every office, the role of the labor force is known to be important in all fields of activity. The components of the work and activity of humans are those who make decisions and then implement them and based on them predict the continuation of future activities, organizational performance is the result or result of executive processes and the realization of the organization's goals. In another definition, organizational performance is the achievement of tasks assigned to human resources by the organization. Organizational performance includes almost all the goals of competitiveness and production excellence and is related to cost, flexibility, speed, reliability, or quality. In addition, organizational performance can be defined as an umbrella that includes all concepts related to the success and activities of the entire organization. Of course, if organizations have employees who are interested in their jobs and are seriously involved in their jobs and tasks. , they can have good performance. Communication is a mechanism on the basis of which human relations are created and all intellectual manifestations and means of transmission and preservation in time and place are developed based on it. Communication means: (Transmitting information with various means of communication from one point, one person with one device to another). If communication is not done correctly, it will cause chaos in the organization. Therefore, the root of individual, organizational, and social problems can be found in the lack of effective communication and misinterpretations and interpretations of communication. Therefore, it can be said that establishing proper communication is necessary for managers for several reasons, including: coordinating and regulating their time, performing planning, organizing, guiding, leading, and controlling the organization in an effective manner.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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