Volume 29, Issue 5 (8-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(5): 127-136 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghadimi B. Modeling the Mediating Role of Students' Mental Health in the Relationship between Students' Social Health and Aggression. RJMS 2022; 29 (5) :127-136
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8492-en.html
Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University,Tehran, Iran. , dr.b.ghadimi@gmail.com
Abstract:   (280 Views)
Background & Aims: Social and civil were always considered and one of the indicators of youth growth and improving their health is one of the main goals of general health policies in different countries in this field. Since the beginning, health has been a topic that many efforts have been made to improve. Health is vital and important in life, and keeping a person healthy is essential. The condition of playing social roles etc. And illness violates this necessary condition. In general, there are two different approaches to defining health, are: the disease-based approach: which approach is limited by the presence or absence of disease in different physical and mental categories, and the health-oriented approach, in which health is defined as A state of enjoying a high degree of goodness is defined. The World Health Organization defines health as a state of physical, mental, and social completeness, not merely the absence of disease. This concept of health has long been defined by relying on the opposite point, that is, disease, but currently, the World Health Organization defines health as the absence of disease or defects and as a type of physical-psychological-social well-being. Researchers believe that individual well-being and comfort differ from physical and mental health. According to their opinion, social health is considered a part of the pillars of health status and can be a function of it. Social health is the evaluation and understanding of a person's functioning in society and the quality of his relationships with other people, relatives, and social groups of which he is a member. One of the important factors that are important in the social health of people is the topic of aggression in society, which is also the topic of sociologists and psychologists in terms of sociology, because if the level of aggression increases in a society, then the social health will also increase. People are also at risk. Anger is an emotion that has different effects on human life. This excitement is beneficial for human survival and facilitates adaptive responses, especially fight or flight responses when faced with danger. Nevertheless, uncontrollable anger not only helps human survival but can also threaten his life. Regarding the definition of mental health, two definitions are taken into consideration: in the first definition, mental health means mental health, and it is meant to show a positive state and mental health, which can be used to create a valuable system in terms of creating mobility, progress and evolution. Help on an individual, national, and international level. When mental health is recognized, action is taken to achieve it and the way to personal and social evolution returns. Therefore, according to the stated content and the lack of research related to modeling the mediating role of students' mental health in the relationship between students' social health and students' aggression, the present study aims to answer the question of whether students' mental health is in the relationship between students' social health and students' aggression. It has a mediator role and what is its structural model?
Methods: The present research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive and correlational in terms of method, and the statistical population of this research included all students of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Islamic Azad University, Sari branch, who were studying in the academic year of 2001-2001. According to the inquiry from the university education unit, the number of statistical population was equal to 2400 people, and the available sampling method was used to determine the number of statistical samples, which was determined to be 331 people using Cochran's formula. The research tools included three questionnaires: social health by Keyes (2004), aggression by Zahedifar et al. (2019), and mental health by Goldberg (1972), all three of which were standard questionnaires. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the demographic variables and SPSS software and Pls software version 3 were used to check the research hypotheses.
Results: The research results showed that there is a relationship between social health and aggression with the mediating role of student's mental health. Also, there is a relationship between social health and mental health, between mental health and aggression, and between social health and aggression of students.
Conclusion: In general, it can be said that paying attention to social health is an important factor in the category of society society, which deals with the mental health of people, so paying attention to the category of social and mental health people can The title is a controlling factor of aggression in society. The concept of social health is less similar to the physical and mental dimensions of health; but along with physical and mental health, this type of health is also one of the three basic pillars of most definitions of health. In part, this is because social health refers to both the characteristics of society and the characteristics of individuals. Society is healthy when there is equal opportunity and access for everyone to basic services and goods so that the members of the society can function fully as citizens. Indicators of community health may include the rule of law, equality in wealth, participation in decision-making, and levels of social capital. People's social health refers to the level of well-being and comfort about how to be with others, how other people react to the person, and how the person interacts with social institutions and social customs. The concept of mental health is one of the central and important topics of psychology, which has emerged by researchers in the field of psychology in recent decades as a result of changing the level of mental and mental health of a person, and tries to use methods and views. Scientifically, the presence of positive components in various dimensions of human life will be more colorful and impressive. Mental health is considered to be a sensitive issue and a fundamental factor in the survival of every human being. Successful people on the path of learning have a higher level of psychological well-being, and by focusing on improving learning and mental health, they control the level of anger and aggression and keep negative emotions away, in this way, mental health they will have mutual benefits, so that they have a more ethical and coherent approach and control their emotions. On the other hand, according to Maslow, one of the characteristics of self-actualized people who have complete mental health is altruism. These people have a deep sense of empathy and love towards all humans and at the same time, they are ready to help humanity. They consider themselves members of a family, that is, the human race, and they feel brotherhood towards each member of this family; what puts a person on the path of avoiding violence? These people love other human beings like an older brother or sister. They may be depressed or angry at the stupid, despicable, or cruel behavior of others, but they quickly understand and forgive. However, people who have less mental health are often confused and unstable in moral issues and fluctuate between right and wrong depending on the situation. However research has shown that direct aggression not only does not reduce the need for aggression but harming another increases the aggressive's negative feelings toward the victim, which may lead to more aggression. Aggression reduces the attractiveness of the person being aggressive and increases the possibility of aggressive behavior. It is the avoidance of violence that leads a person to the mental health of the individual and, as a result, to the greater health of society.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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