Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-9 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 0
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1403.097
Clinical trials code: 0

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Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran , zarghamhajebi@gmail.com
Abstract:   (424 Views)

Background & Aims: Research literature on family functioning shows that family members interact with each other in subtle ways. It provides a new approach to the human evolutionary framework. Greenspan's model, which is introduced as the transformational approach of individual differences based on communication (DIR); considers all the sensory, motor, cognitive, social, and emotional dimensions of the human being in an integrated way. In this approach, every human being is born with unique biological characteristics, and in interaction with his social and cultural environment, he climbs the evolutionary ladder and, in order, to the capabilities of self-regulation, joint attention, being absorbed in relationships and attachments, Voluntary emotional signaling and exchange achieve long loops of emotional signaling and joint social problem solving, creating and applying ideas, and bridging between two or more ideas. These basic capabilities are established during infancy and childhood and are enhanced throughout life. In the framework of the family, the focus of this model is on how the family as a whole unit supports or weakens the above vital functions and designs the ideal nurturing environment. Therefore, in this model, the family is considered from the perspective of infancy and early childhood and in the form of a transformational approach. In general, dysfunction in the family causes confusion, worry, communication disorders, and threats to the health of its members. In fact, what happens in the family and how it works plays an important role in its flexibility and adaptation to difficult conditions and situations. In a well-functioning family, the problem-solving process goes well; Plans and responsibilities are clear and flexible, communication between family members is clear and direct, members' emotions are well shared and supported, and finally, conflicts are clearly raised and resolved. The research results show that the components of the family's evolutionary function are a good predictor for the psychological health profile, and the family's evolutionary function, along with the parenting styles, can be a strong predictor for children's mental health. The structure and psychological environment of the family, which is the general combination of the set of relationships between the family members, each affects the individual's performance and behavior in a special way in order to face psychological problems and pressures, new situations, fears, and anxieties. to give One of the challenging situations for families is the role of parenting and how to interact with children. In the functional system of the family, parents have the most important role as the first coach of the child in raising and how the child behaves, and neglecting and neglecting this cause serious consequences in their lives. having parents who do not always provide emotional support to the child; It can solve many psychological and social problems of people. Also, the fundamental factor in the formation of a person's relationship with himself and others is the person's experiences during infancy and childhood in relation to the primary caregiver, which affects his subsequent relationships with himself and others. Parent-child interaction is the first representative of the child's world of communication and an important and vital relationship to create security and love. Child-parent interaction refers to mutual emotional and behavioral responses between parents and children during the transformation process, which cannot be through talking, seeing, hearing, availability, and other communication methods. Parent-child relationship plays an important role in children's mental health. This means that the parent-child relationship, especially the mother-child relationship and the quality of life of the original family, is of great importance and is essential for the children's health. Therefore, the quality of education and parent-child relationships in the early years of childhood lays the foundation for his future social and emotional cognitive development. Various studies show that about 30% of children and adolescents will experience a recognizable behavioral disorder during their lifetime. But 70 to 80 percent of them do not receive the appropriate intervention to solve the disorder. These disorders lead to failure in performance in various fields, including academic and family fields, which ultimately causes academic failure or delinquent behaviors. In general, dysfunction in the family causes confusion, worry, communication disorders, and threats to the health of its members. In fact, what happens in the family and how it works plays an important role in its flexibility and adaptation to difficult situations. In a well-functioning family, the problem-solving process goes well; Plans and responsibilities are clear and flexible, communication between family members is clear and direct, members' emotions are well shared and supported, and finally, conflicts are clearly raised and resolved. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of parent-child relationship in the relationship between children's externalizing problems based on the family's evolutionary function.
Methods: The method of this research was a descriptive correlation coefficient type. The statistical population of the present study includes all mothers of children who referred to counseling centers in Qom in 1401. The sample size was obtained by Cochran's formula of 210 people. The questionnaires used to measure the transformational functioning of the family by Aali et al. (2012), Pianta's parent-child relationship (2011) and the child's behavior list - parents' version were used. Pearson's correlation test and regression and path analysis were performed using significant coefficients and t value, and SPSS and pls software were used for data analysis.
Results: The results showed that the transformational function of the family reduces the externalizing disorder, and the intervening effect of the parent-child relationship variable in the relationship between children's externalizing problems based on the transformational function of the family was also confirmed.
Conclusion: Based on the obtained results, the variable has a reducing effect on externalizing disorder. This means that the parent-child relationship can cause the family's transformational function to reduce externalizing disorder in a better way. In fact, in the present study, due to the low level of the family's transformative function in the examined children, the externalizing disorder has increased, but the existence of an average level of parent-child relationship has caused the negative effect of the family's transformative function to be less severe. The results showed that the independent variable of family transformational function directly affects externalizing disorder. The negativity of these relationships shows that the direction of the effect is opposite, that is, with the increase in the transformational function of the family, the amount of disorder decreases, and in the absence of the transformational function of the family and its dimensions, the amount of externalized disorder in the examined children has increased. Also, the role of the mediator variable has been added to this model. Based on the obtained results, the variable has a reducing effect on externalizing disorder. This means that the parent-child relationship can cause the family's transformational function to reduce externalizing disorder better. In fact, in the present study, due to the low level of the family's transformative function in the examined children, the externalizing disorder has increased.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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