Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-11 | Back to browse issues page

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Ethics code: IR.IAU.BOJNOURD.REC.1402.009
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Mozaffari H, Mohammadipour M, Mohammadinezhad M. The Effect of Verbal Persuasion (Individual and Group) on Exercise Performance of Students with Source-Control Correlates and Gender. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-11
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8395-en.html
Associate professor, Department of Psychology, Quchan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Quchan, Iran , mohammadipour@bojnourdiau.ac.ir
Abstract:   (644 Views)
Background & Aims: People's Exercise performance and sports can be influenced by various factors. Coaches and other influential people control athletes' behavior through motivational speeches, so that their motivational speeches are the most effective external factors that motivate athletes. Some of them use self-confidence-building techniques such as: expressing positive expressions, emphasizing the athlete's capabilities, encouraging the athlete to define and praise himself, verbal encouragement, using words with a positive meaning, attributing the athlete's success to internal factors, encouraging the athlete By reflecting their moods and performance, the use of the image of a race in which they won or will win, will increase the success of athletes. Humanity has followed different ways to achieve success and prosperity since long ago. Among psychologists, people like Freud have proposed the word "self-confidence" with a different perspective, and Maslow has discussed self-improvement more than anyone else. And can control thoughts in the form of more beautiful and understandable words for us. People like Piaget and Vygotsky expressed the effect of inner dialogue or self-talk in a different form of speech, and people like Bandura expressed self-efficacy and its components such as verbal encouragement, which according to various researches, if used correctly, improve performance. The presence of others, including competitors, spectators, and teammates, can have various effects on social facilitation. It means that it positively or negatively affects a person's performance. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of verbal persuasion (individual and group) on exercise performance of students with source-control correlates and Gender.
Methods: The study is semi-experimental with a pretest-posttest control group design. The statistical sample includes 120 male and female students from associate degree to master's degree of Islamic Azad University, Qochan branch in the academic year it is 2018-2019. The study is semi-experimental with a pretest-posttest control group design. In this regard, a sample of 120 male and female students was selected using available sampling method and randomly replaced in three groups. First, the running record of 4 × 9 meters was taken from the three groups. Then the first group received individual verbal persuasion, the second group received group verbal persuasion, and the third group (control) did not receive persuasion.  Finally, the new record of 4 × 9 meters was achieved. Analysis of covariance and externally postoperative test were used to analyze the data.
Results: The results showed that verbal persuasion (individual and group) has a positive effect on increasing the running record of 4 × 9 meters. But the source of control and g ender do not have a positive effect on increasing the running record of 4 × 9 meters.
Conclusion: What is certain, based on theories such as: Piaget, Vygotsky, Bandura, Ellis, Beck and Collins and various researchers, the effect of various types of verbal encouragement and punishment in the lives of different people can be different and have intensity and It is a weakness and athletes cannot be exempted from society. Verbal encouragement and mental exercise techniques such as imagery and self-talk have been proven to increase self-confidence. Self-talk (self-expression, spontaneous thoughts, speech therapy) plays an important role in the relationship between events and emotions. It is true that, based on various researches, professionalism in sports can cause changes in the effects of encouragement or punishment, but still, everyone is under the influence of it overtly or covertly, either consciously or unconsciously. Because the observed researches that have been conducted so far in the field of verbal persuasion have not distinguished between self-talk, individual verbal persuasion and group verbal persuasion, and they have not directly investigated the determinants of the source of control and gender as a result of them, so it can be concluded by referring to related researches. that the results of this research in the field: "source of control (internal and external) and gender (male and female) determine the effect of verbal persuasion (individual and group) on the sports performance of students (running record 9 x 4 meters)". Researches: in the context of the role of family function in the source of control and improving the dimensions of behavioral control, emotional reaction and role playing (Fayaz et al., 2016) in the context of the positive relationship between motivational beliefs and the source of control with the academic progress of students in the field of the relationship between the source of control and academic progress In the context of the positive effect of gender on cognitive strategies and self-regulation strategies in the context of the positive relationship between the GPA and the source of control, as well as between gender, mother's education and satisfaction with the environment of growth and education with the GPA of students in the context of the positive relationship between the source of internal control and self-regulation of students. Therefore, it seems that according to the obtained results by using individual and group verbal persuasions appropriate to different cultures and situations, the best and most effective ones can be selected and used at the right time.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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