Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-10 | Back to browse issues page

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Honarpisheh L, Hashemi S. The Mediating Role of Marital Frustration in the Relationship between Dark Personality Triads and Attitudes toward Infidelity in Women with Marital Conflict. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-10
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8332-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Psychology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran , sarahashemi963@gmail.com
Abstract:   (619 Views)

Background & Aims: In any joint life, there may be differences in the interests, thoughts and beliefs of the couple, and creating understanding and understanding of the differences can guarantee the durability of life, but in some cases, the inability to resolve such differences causes marital conflict, which may destroy family solidarity. Affect and distort the quality of life. Although conflict is inherent in marital relationships, when it is created repeatedly and severely, it can affect the quality of the relationship and cause dissatisfaction with life. The purpose of the present study was to determine the relationship between the dark personality triads and the attitude towards infidelity in women
Methods: The method of the current research is a correlational description, which is one of the applied researches, and its statistical population was formed by all women with marital problems who referred to counseling centers approved by the Psychological System Organization of Tehran Region 5 in the year 1400. The statistical sample of the research also includes 120 of these women who were purposefully sampled and based on the inclusion criteria (being in the age range of 25 to 40 years, more than 4 years of their life together, not suffering from chronic psychiatric diseases, Having at least a high school diploma, not being addicted to drugs, narcotics or alcohol, not taking psychiatric drugs, and voluntarily entering the research and being interested in participating in the research (and the exit criteria include) not being satisfied with participating in the research, not completing or distorting the questionnaires, absence of serious crisis or serious family tension in the past year and not requesting divorce) are selected. The sample size has been determined using the formula of Fidel Tabajnik (2007) including the overestimation of 120 people. In this research, three questionnaires of Johnson and Webster's dark triads of personality (2010), attitudes towards betrayal by Whitley (2008) and marital frustration by Karen Kaiser (1993) were used and the data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis and path analysis using SPSS software and AMOS was tested and analyzed.
Results: The results showed that all three variables of the dark triads of personality (Machiavellianism, antisociality, and narcissism) were able to predict the attitude towards infidelity, and marital frustration played a mediating role in the relationship (P<0.01).
Conclusion: In a general statement, it can be stated that the presence of dark personality traits can be related to marital infidelity or create positive thoughts and tendencies about infidelity; Because the existence of Machiavelli's character, with political and exploitative thoughts, creates a negative attitude in couples' relationships, and anti-social behavior with psychopathic behaviors and the inability to establish empathic relationships fuels interpersonal conflicts, and narcissism with power-seeking and arrogant attitudes prevents the establishment of a satisfying married life. It seems impossible and as long as these feelings are repeated in the couple, positive thoughts and attitudes about infidelity will appear. In this regard, various factors can directly or indirectly lead to the occurrence of such behaviors, which evidence showed that the role of marital frustration is involved in this relationship, because marital frustration refers to a state of experiencing physical, emotional and mental fatigue and with symptoms Emotional fatigue is associated with a decrease in productivity, and this issue, by affecting the characteristics related to the psyche, can lead to the aggravation of psychological characteristics and the occurrence of behaviors that are caused by negative personality characteristics such as Machiavelli, narcissism, and antisociality, and the basis for the emergence of positive attitudes towards betrayal. In fact, it can be said that marital frustration can be considered as a serious threat regarding the maintenance of positive marital relations, because the existence of these feelings and its continuation by affecting the characteristics related to the personality, can ruin life. Based on this, it can be concluded that marital frustration increases the strength of the effects of the dark triads of personality on the attitude towards infidelity, and it is recommended to pay attention to factors that reduce marital frustration. In fact, it can be said that marital frustration can be considered as a serious threat regarding the maintenance of positive marital relations, because the existence of these feelings and its continuation by affecting the characteristics related to the personality, can ruin life; Because this type of relationship makes couples think about escaping from their situation and these escapes manifest in the attitude towards marital infidelity.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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