Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-11 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.BABOL.REC.1402.082
Clinical trials code: 01

XML Persian Abstract Print

Assistant Professor, Department of Educational, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran , sharamae@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (475 Views)
Background & Aims: One of the issues of the day in the world is the issue of the environment. Environmental disaster not only steals peace and security from human life but also threaten health and existence. The increase in environmental problems and crises in the world has caused the importance of discussion about the environment and related issues to increase. Man's actions towards the environment and the changes he creates in the environment cause the destruction of the environment and make it face an alarming threat. The mistakes that humans have made as a result of their activities on earth; one of the main causes is the damages that the environment has suffered. The purpose of this research is to investigate and identify the components and dimensions of the green school to design and present a suitable model.
Methods: Considering its nature, this research is applied in terms of purpose and mixed (quantitative and qualitative) in terms of data collection method. In the qualitative part, the statistical population included university faculty members, administrative and financial managers of education and teachers, and environmental experts, and in the quantitative part, all male and female teachers working in elementary schools in Mazandaran province. In the qualitative part, 25 people as a group the sample was selected based on Cochran's formula of 296. The data collection tool was a semi-structured interview that was conducted in the second semester of 2019-2019 Green was used based on a 5-point Likert scale. In the field method, data were collected using interviews and questionnaires. In fact, after designing the questions and the content of the semi-structured interviews, several experts were interviewed until saturation About 45 to 60 minutes were considered for each interview, during the data collection, each interview was analyzed and then the next interview was conducted Analysis and coding of each interview, first, the typed interview was carefully studied several times and the main concepts were determined in the form of primary codes. Then, according to the similarities and differences of the specified codes, similar codes were merged and subcategories were formed. After that, based on the obtained codes and classes, the green school model was extracted at the primary level. The extracted model was evaluated in terms of content by providing several experts. Finally, based on the model extracted from the above steps, the green school questionnaire was prepared and compiled. After checking the content validity of the questionnaire by asking experts, then the compiled questionnaire was given to 30 people (initial implementation) of teachers and principals of primary schools and was subjected to initial evaluation. After removing, modifying, and adjusting some questions, the final questionnaire of the green school was implemented among 296 people (final implementation) teachers and principals of elementary schools in Mazandaran province. Finally, the implemented questionnaires were collected and after entering the data, they were analyzed in the appropriate software. Content validity using the content validity index was provided to 30 teachers and principals of elementary schools in Mazandaran province in an initial implementation of the Green School questionnaire at the primary level. The value of content validity was 0.87, which can be concluded that the prepared tool has good content validity. The reliability of this tool was also obtained with Cronbach's alpha method of 0.947. After the initial verification of the tool and checking some of its indicators, the final tool was provided to 296 teachers and principals of elementary schools in Mazandaran province and was subjected to confirmatory factor analysis. Data analysis was done in two parts. In the qualitative section, after presenting semi-structured interviews, all interviews were coded and classified by content analysis, and the green school model was presented in elementary school. Also, based on the components and codes extracted from the interviews, the green school questionnaire was prepared and designed in elementary school. Statistical analyses were performed with the help of SPSS and LiSREL software.
Results: The quantitative and qualitative results of the research showed that 8 main categories, 16 sub-components, and 111 indicators are needed for the design of green schools. The presence of low χ2 and the ratio of chi-2 to the degree of freedom are less than three indicators of the appropriate fit of the model. In this research, according to the Lisrel output, the ratio of χ2 calculated to the degree of freedom for the whole structure is equal to 1.58; Also, the acceptable values for the fit indices based on statistical sources, the chi-square value are not significant according to the degree of freedom and probability level of the chi-square table, AGFI, NFI, CFI, GFI indices, the closer to the number 1 The degree of fitness is more desirable. The RMSEA value is less than 0.05 and the SRMR value is less than 0.1. After comparing the obtained indices with the benchmark indices, it is clear that the designed model has a relatively favorable fit.
Conclusion: In general, it can be said that creating schools with an environmental approach similar to a garden in a way that creates peace and vitality prepares and educates a generation for the future, and responds to the inner needs of students is a matter. It is considered essential. The most important factor that plays a role in the green school model is location. Locating is a process that assesses a physical environment that provides conditions and support for human activities and actions. Regarding the importance of the role of location, it can be said that paying attention only to the construction of schools in terms of quantity and not paying attention to nearby uses and other important factors in locating them will reduce the efficiency in terms of providing proper services. The lack of establishment and correct location and its lack of coordination with the urban context and appearance are common issues and issues of many schools in Iranian society.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry