Background & Aims: Suicide in the literal sense is defined as behaviors that are conscious self-harm with the aim of self-destruction. The phenomenon of committing suicide is certainly a function of a complex and interconnected network of sociological, psychological, and other different factors and causes, which can be the end point of the development path of these factors and causes at a certain stage of a person's life, and sometimes planned or unexpectedly. It should also be known that a suicide attempt refers to an individual behavior and reaction that is self-injurious and with non-fatal consequences and results purposefully and consciously. Attempting suicide is the most important and strongest factor for death by suicide, and the risk of death for people who have already attempted suicide is 25 times higher than for other people. Since many factors play a role in people's personality, behavior, and life to commit suicide, it is possible to reduce suicidal acts by fixing and strengthening the person in these areas. It is necessary to face this incident and the factors leading to suicide, to acquire coping skills and flexibility. Adopting appropriate methods of dealing with them can reduce their negative impact on a person's mental health and, as a result, lead to greater adaptation. Coping is a set of behavioral and cognitive activities and processes to prevent, manage, and reduce stress. Coping strategies are cognitive-behavioral measures a person uses to manage his desires in stressful and difficult situations. They proposed two types of problematic and emotion-oriented coping. In the problem-oriented coping strategy, the person focuses on the problem or situation, and the effort is to change the problem or situation or avoid it in the future. In the emotion-oriented coping strategy, the person will focus on controlling negative emotions caused by stress. Therefore, this research was conducted to determine the effect of self-compassion therapy on the level of resilience, coping strategies, and stress of women with a history of suicide.
Methods: In this semi-experimental study, the statistical population included all women with suicidal thoughts in Sari City, the statistical sample number of 30 people was selected using the cluster sampling method and they were replaced in two experimental and control groups. The experimental group was trained in 8 treatment sessions. The results were based on the questionnaires of Billings and Moss coping strategies, Connor and Davidson resilience (2003), and the number of self-compassion sessions lasted for 8 sessions over two months. The statistical methods of one-way analysis of covariance (ANCVA) and multivariate (MANCVA) were used to analyze the data.
Results: The results of the research showed that self-compassion therapy has an effect on resilience and coping strategies of women with a history of suicide. Descriptive index values for resilience variables and coping strategies separately for the control group and the experimental group are given in Table 1. As can be seen, based on the average resilience and coping strategies, in the control group and the experimental group, they are at a low and medium level in the pre-test stage. But in the post-test of the experimental group, these criteria have improved so that they have increased. The results of the MANCOVA analysis on the resilience post-test scores in the experimental and control groups are presented in Table 6. As can be seen in Table 5, the significance levels of all tests indicate that there is a significant difference between the experimental group (compassion therapy) and the control group on the level of resilience. Therefore, there is a significant difference between the experimental group (compassion therapy) and the control group in improving resilience in women with a history of suicide. The amount of influence or difference is equal to 0.74. In other words, 74% of the individual differences in the resilience scores of the experimental group are related to the effect of compassion therapy.
Conclusion: In general, it can be said that by using self-compassion therapy, it is possible to help many people with suicidal thoughts, and it is also possible to increase the quality of life of these people. It can be said that women with a history of suicide attempts find it difficult to remain calm when problems arise and engage in emotional behaviors such as engaging in other behaviors, aggression, depression and withdrawal, taking revenge for their problems on others and in some cases are also neglected. The results of this type of dealing with problems lead to feelings of loneliness and frustration and strengthen the feeling of inadequacy in a person. In the approach of compassion therapy, a person realizes that he can be successful in solving his problems by using compassionate techniques and self-empowerment. By using self-compassion techniques, a person removes negative emotions and solves his problems with kind self-management and the use of correct methods. Therefore, compassion therapy has had an effect on the stress of these women. It can also be said that one of the methods that can be used in addition to problem-oriented approaches to problem solving is the use of the support of trusted experienced people. In the intervention of compassion therapy, a person learns to have a compassionate approach towards himself and his life problems. Compassionate therapy involves a kind of compassionate relationship with oneself, this therapy does more than resolve internal conflicts; It helps people change by creating caring, new attention to the self, and offering compassionate inner processes.