Research code: SSRI.REC-2107-1190
Ethics code: SSRI.REC-2107-1190
Clinical trials code: 0000
Abstract: (308 Views)
Objective: Organizations are created to achieve certain goals, the achievement and the optimal use of resources depends on the performance of employees. Therefore, job performance is defined as the organizational value of employees' job behaviors in times and job situations. Since employees are the most important organizational capital, what overshadow their job performance are of particular importance (1). Due to the pandemic of Corona and its negative psycho-social effects, organizational policies regarding the presence of employees and the possibility of a positive effect of physical activity on improving social adaptation and quality of life in employees were considered. The problems of dealing with the corona virus and the spread of new social programs and norms such as quarantine, preventing meetings and physical social distance all over the world create a wave of social depression and job incompatibility(9). On the other hand, people experience unpleasant feelings in critical times and unpredictable situations when they need to create peace within themselves (24). Since psychosocial health is one of the factors of improving job adaptability and quality of work life, it seems that physical activity is a suitable mechanism to solve the problems of acquiring social adaptability skills (25). It seems that physical activity can be a suitable, low-cost and accessible solution for organizations to overcome the crisis of the pandemic. In this regard, this research investigates the role of physical activity on the quality of life, resilience and job adaptability of Payam Noor University employees with a descriptive approach. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of physical activity on job adaptation, resilience and quality of work life of employees of Payam Noor University in Fars province under the conditions of the Corona outbreak.
Methodology: The present study was performed as a survey with applied purpose and descriptive-correlation method. The statistical sample of the research included 132 faculty members and 231 employees of Payam Noor University in Fars province, who were selected with simple random method based on the Morgan table. Each person was given a code in the office folder, and for the randomly selected codes, a link to the questionnaire was sent via WhatsApp. The data were collected using Connor and Davidson's resilience questionnaires (2003), Walton's standard work life quality questionnaire (1973), Davis' job adaptation questionnaire and Lafquist (1991) and International Physical Activity Questionnaire (1998). The scores of Connor and Davidson's resilience scale had a significant positive correlation with the scores of Kubasa's stubbornness scale and a significant negative correlation with the scores of the perceived stress scale and Sheehan's vulnerability to stress scale, which indicates the concurrent validity of this scale (18). Quality of work life questionnaire has been validated by Qalavandi. The quality of life questionnaire includes 34 closed-answer questions (19). The occupational compatibility questionnaire was prepared by Shahrabi Farahani, and the scoring of the questionnaire was in the form of a 5-point Likert scale (21). The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (22) was used as an international physical activity measurement tool in 1998 by the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control for the age group of 15 to 69 years. The validity of this questionnaire has been stated in 12 countries with an average of 0.3 (23). The assumption of normality of the data was checked using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. In order to analyze the data, the indicators of descriptive statistics (mean) and inferential statistics of Spearman's correlation coefficient test were used. These calculations were done through SPSS version 16 software.
Findings: The findings showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between physical activity and job adaptability, resilience and quality of work life. The results showed that performing physical activities has a positive effect on the mental, social, functional and physiological state of employees in the conditions of Corona and can be used as a solution to deal with the complications of the Corona outbreak and increase organizational performance and productivity.
Conclusion: Physical activity during quarantine can improve job adaptation. These results are consistent with Zamani and Farozandeh's research, which showed that people who participated in physical activity before the outbreak of Covid-19 had significantly higher social adjustment than the inactive group. Also, the results of Govindappa and Boyerk (2019) showed that people who have higher physical activity have more social and emotional adjustment than inactive people. Sports activities can reduce mental stress, fatigue and job burnout and improve resilience by increasing mental well-being and reducing psychological injuries. Elson et al. (2014) also stated in their results that performing physical activities in addition to its psychological and physical aspects can improve people's resilience in the face of problems (29). Physical activity during the outbreak of the corona virus has a direct and significant relationship with the quality of work life of Payam Noor employees. Ammar et al. (2020) showed that among the population of Europe, North Africa, Western Asia, and the Americas during the Covid-19 pandemic, sedentary lifestyles increased from 5 to 8 hours per day due to increased use of social media, because of restriction rules of Corona, which can reduce the quality of people's working life. Physical activity can improve people's quality of life through psychological mediators or physiological mechanisms, so that some studies have identified physical self-concept as a variable between physical activity and quality of work life (32-34). The results of this study provide valuable information to the National Headquarters of Corona Virus Management and managers of organizations, so that they can improve the quality of life of their employees through improving resilience and adaptability to work by encouraging employees to physical activity and creating sports programs at home and in the organizational environment; therefore decreasing the effects of the crisis caused by the corona virus
Type of Study:
Research |
Exercise Physiology