Volume 29, Issue 6 (9-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(6): 220-227 | Back to browse issues page

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Nasehi F, Bakhtiari Saeed B, Pourasghar M. Comparing the Effectiveness of Group Hypnotherapy and Group Cognitive Hypnotherapy on Health Behaviors in Women. RJMS 2022; 29 (6) :220-227
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7691-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Gorgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran. , m.mashayekh@kiau.ac.ir
Abstract:   (598 Views)

Background & Aims: Many of the health problems that are seen today in most countries, especially in our country, are somehow related to the lifestyle changes of the people of those societies. (1). One of the variables that seems to be effective in improving health behaviors in people is hypnotherapy. Hypnosis therapy is an effective method in health behaviors. Cognitive hypnosis therapy can reduce the stress caused by obesity and remove the environmental background of the disorder to a large extent (4). Hypnotic cognitive therapy can also provide useful clinical information about recognizing problems and how to deal with them, which makes the person cope with the problems (5). On the other hand, psychologists were able to obtain many benefits in treatment by using the principles of the cognitive approach; But the combination of two approaches of cognitive behavioral therapy and hypnotherapy can have a faster and deeper effect on patients (7). Cognitive behavioral hypnotherapy is a combination of hypnotherapy with cognitive-behavioral treatment methods. (8). Today, most psychologists suggest the use of relaxation and mind control methods to reduce the psychological problems caused by physical problems. They state that these methods help a person to create a state of mental peace and comfort (9). Considering the above-mentioned materials and the effectiveness of the two treatment methods, group hypnotherapy and group cognitive hypnotherapy on the treatment of mental disorders, and because health behaviors are very important in human health, and because of the review of the research done inside And outside the country, no research has been done in the field of comparing the effect of these two types of intervention. Also, considering that researchers and experts are always looking for the best type of intervention, the researcher is trying to answer the question whether there is a difference between the effect of group hypnotherapy and hypnosis. Is there a difference between group cognitive therapy and health behaviors?
Methods: The current applied and quasi-experimental research, which was pre-test and post-test with a control group, was conducted in such a way that among married women with a body mass score above 25 in Tehran in the year 1400, based on the criteria for entering the research (body mass above 25 as well as non-participation in other clinical and psychotherapy research) 42 people were selected by the available method and randomly divided into 3 control groups, group hypnotherapy and group cognitive hypnotherapy. Before and after the intervention of all subjects Alavi Health Behavior Questionnaire (2017) which has 43 questions and 7 components of well-being, daily hygiene, nutrition, consumption of addictive drugs, risk-taking behavior, environmental risks and medical care based on the spectrum They completed a five-point Likert scale (always a score of 5, often a score of 4, sometimes a score of 3, rarely a score of 2, never a score of 1). Alavi (2017) confirmed the content validity of the questionnaire at 0.83 and the reliability of the questionnaire and its components by Cronbach's alpha method. In the following, the subjects of the intervention groups received the interventions related to their group under the supervision of the researcher according to tables 1 (Wilkinson's group hypnotherapy protocol) and 2 (Wilhelm's group hypnosis therapy protocol). At the end of the intervention, descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and Shapiro-Wilk tests were used to check the normality of data distribution, covariance analysis and paired t-test to test hypotheses using SPSS version 23 software.
Results: The results of the paired t-test showed that group hypnotherapy and group cognitive hypnotherapy have a significant effect on health behaviors (Table 3). The results of the analysis of covariance showed that the F value of the effect of the groups on health behaviors after training is equal to 2.959 and the significance level of the test is equal to 0.019, which is significant at an error level of less than 5%, which means that there is a significant difference between the effects of the two groups. does not exist (Table 4).
Conclusion: Overall, the results of this research showed that group hypnotherapy has a significant effect on health behaviors. In explaining the results, it can be said that an explicit order to perform a specific action is known as a direct suggestion in conversational hypnosis. This is a powerful tool, although it is considered unethical due to the power or power that the hypnotist has over the clients (12). With this method, the client does not control the decision to change the behavior. Hypnosis as a behavioral technique helps eliminate symptoms (13). Apart from eliminating symptoms, hypnosis is used to control or change problematic behaviors such as smoking, overeating, drug use, or gambling; It is also used in smoking, phobias, anxiety, conversion symptoms and chronic pain (14). Also, the results showed that hypnotherapy of group cognition has a significant effect on health behaviors. In explaining the results, it can be said that hypnosis is a natural state of the brain, during this process, the brain undergoes neurophysiological and electroencephalographic changes and cellular metabolism, and as a result, in the state of hypnotic trance, the receptivity of the brain increases and the awareness of the environment decreases, depending on the subject. which the therapist needs, occurs (15). In addition, the body undergoes physiological changes and is ready to receive the therapist's orders. In general, the results showed that there is no significant difference between the effects of the two types of intervention on the subjects' health behaviors. In explaining the results, it can be said that in the state of hypnosis, excessive concentration of thought causes the absorption of all suggestions and is very effective. In a 100% concentration or deep hypnosis, the power of thought is completely under the influence of suggestions and never to pay attention to other things. He is not free and easily forgets it (16). After hypnosis, when the mind returns to the normal state, each unit of brain power accepts a part of the suggestion and the patient soon returns to his normal and appropriate state (17). Hypnosis helps your unconscious and semi-conscious mind to have more control over your eating habits and maintain your diet more easily (18). If you feel that you cannot resist a certain food, hypnosis will help you control this desire (19).
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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