Volume 29, Issue 10 (12-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(10): 158-168 | Back to browse issues page

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Ethics code: IR.BPUMS.REC.1399.191
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Baharestani S, Amini N, Keikhosrovani M, Azadi S, Mirzaei K. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Emotional Safety Training on Beliefs about Marital Relationship, Sexual Expressiveness and Function in Women with Marital Conflicts. RJMS 2022; 29 (10) :158-168
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7632-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran , n.amini@iaubushehr.ac.ir
Abstract:   (838 Views)
Background & Aims: Marriage is one of the most important interpersonal relationships that many people experience and it is a social institution based on which a man and a woman decide to live together as a couple through a legal, religious and moral obligation. They get married based on specific goals and wish to experience a stable and satisfying life. But when couples live a stable and satisfying life, they also experience conflicts in their life together. Marital conflicts are one of the common problems of couples and is due to the inconsistency of the couple in the type of their desires and expectations. Communication beliefs are also one of the factors that affect couples' relationship and according to Beck (1970) when our irrational beliefs decrease and logical beliefs replace them, marital satisfaction and compatibility will also increase. As long as couples are not aware that these thoughts are irrational and are somehow accustomed to these beliefs, they downplay and ignore their role in creating marital problems.Also, one of the effective factors in women's mental health in the process of marital life is their satisfactory sexual desires and reactions, which include physiological, psychosocial, developmental and sexual response dimensions. Understanding this cognition is problematic due to the specific research limitations, but the durability and stability of an important part of the marital relationship according to the values and norms approved by society, depends on sexual intercourse (frequency and type) between men and women and the couple talk about sex , Sexual desires and preferences and the discovery of other sexual preferences, have a great impact on establishing a marital relationship. Self-expression, which means "the ability to express feelings, thoughts and beliefs, and to defend one's rights in logical ways," has three dimensions of the power to express emotions; The power to articulate good and bad beliefs and thoughts and to make strong and clear decisions is the power to stand up for one's rights and not allow others to harm or abuse one's personal weakness. Obviously, not expressing feelings and emotions, in many cases, causes long-term sexual problems.Therefore, one of the interventions that can be used and researched in the case of people with marital conflicts is the emotional security model. The results of a study showed that emotional security training has a significant effect on women's marital conflict and its dimensions. Other findings of this study showed that emotional security training affects both dimensions of will and mental well-being neuropathy. In addition, in the case of emotion-oriented couple therapy, which is a method that is close to and somewhat overlaps with the method of emotional security, the results of Davarnia et al.'s(2014)research showed that emotion-based couple therapy training has reduced women's marital burnout. In fact, emotional security training focuses on increasing effective feelings about attachment, moderating self-esteem, and relieving oneself of unpleasant emotions such as shame. Weber is effective in increasing the emotion of happiness and reducing marital conflict.Therefore, considering the effect of emotional security training on couples' emotions and attachment, the important role of women in the family and their impact on other family members and the importance that marital beliefs, expression and sexuality can play in women's marital conflicts. Researchers and psychotherapists in Iran have not paid much attention to these preventive methods, including teaching emotional security to couples, and these methods need more scientific study. As a result, the question of the present study is whether emotional security training has a significant effect on marital beliefs, expression and sexual activity in women with marital conflicts?
Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, 50 women with marital conflicts were selected by the purposive sampling method and randomly divided into experimental and control groups. Eight 90-minute sessions were held for the experimental group for 4 weeks and the control group did not receive any intervention during this period. Participants were measured by the Barati and Sanai (1996) Marital Conflict Questionnaire, the Idelson-Epstein (1982) Communication Beliefs, the Halbert Sexual Index (1992), and the Rosen et al. (2000) Sexual Performance Index.
Results: The results of analysis of covariance, repeated measures test, and Bonferroni post hoc test showed that the scores of beliefs about Marital Relationship among the experimental group decreased significantly, but in the control group there was no significant decrease and the scores of Sexual Expressiveness and function among The experimental group had a significant increase, but in the control group there was no significant increase, so there is a significant difference between the experimental and control groups. The follow-up results also showed that the effect of educational intervention was still stable.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that emotional safety training has a significant effect on beliefs about marital relationship,sexual expressiveness ,sexual function in the experimental group who received the educational intervention, compared with the control group who did not receive educational intervention Significant changes were experienced in the dependent variables and also the follow-up results showed that the effect of educational intervention in the experimental group was still stable. Therefore, the hypotheses were confirmed. As a result, based on the evidence of the present study, this educational program can be used to improve the beliefs about marital relationships and sexual expressiveness and function in women with marital conflicts. The Emotional safety training Training Program helps couples become aware of each other's perceptions by providing awareness of their beliefs and perceptions in the relationship. It then uses behavioral techniques (active listening and empathy) to create a healthier perception and clearer relationships.Teaching Behavioral Techniques Increases Positive Interactions such as Identifying and Expressing Emotions, Expressing Needs and Desires Instead of Expecting Mindfulness, Apologizing, and Forgiving When Angering, and Managing Conflict Instead of Withdrawing Couples' relationships become clearer, resulting in negative beliefs. Marital relationships are improved and marital conflicts are reduced.People also learn to increase their verbal and non-verbal interactions, to show sexual self-expression, including touching, hugging and kissing in relation to their spouse, and to express their thoughts and desires and be more physically close.Therefore, although these trainings do not deal directly with sexuality, but by promoting self-esteem, reducing negative emotions such as shame and increasing positive emotions and expressing them, the ground for increasing women's sexual activity is provided. The main limitation of this study is the taboo nature of sexual issues in society, and for this reason, some participants were cautious in their answers. Therefore, it is suggested that other researchers use this type of research with other effective intervention strategies on beliefs about Marital Relationship, Sexual Expressiveness and function in women with marital conflicts.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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