Research code: 2314813763628721398162248316
Ethics code: IR.IAU.TMU.REC.1399.085
Clinical trials code: IR.IAU.TMU.REC.1399.085
Falahnezhad Mojarad A, Behboudi L, Mirzaiyan Shanjani S, Izadi M. The effect of eight weeks compound exercises (aerobic and resistance) on homocysteine serum level on NAFLD obese male subjects with emphasis on Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene's polymorphism (MTHFR). RJMS 2021; 28 (5) :90-103
Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr, Iran ,
Abstract: (2311 Views)
Background & Aims: The Liver is one of the most important body organs. Some of its most important functions include, detoxing the taken medications, expulsion of the remains of destruction of the red blood cells in form of bile, producing blood coagulation components, preserving sugar in the form of glycogen and also preserving and burning of the fat and sugar in body. There are two kinds of fatty liver diseases, namely, alcoholic, and non-alcoholic fatty liver. The most common liver ailment is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease which happens when more than 5%-10% of the liver weight would consist of fat. This disease can be categorized into three different levels, 1,2 and 3. Emergence and development of such disease is affected by genetic factors in addition to having a low activity lifestyle and bad eating habits. Genetic factors play an important role in being overweight and having NAFLD. 16%-50% of the NAFLD patients are affected by the genetic factors. One of the genetic factors is the Methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase gen (MTHFR). This is the coding gen of the Methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase enzyme which it’s common polymorphismis C677T. Gen MTHFR is one of the effective genes in producing active oxidants and therefore, effective in Steatosis, inflammation and fibrosis. It is possible that in case of an increase in C677T which will result in decreasing the functionality of MTHFR in a fatty liver, and considering that the considered enzyme is only functional in high temperatures, would result in an increase in this enzyme function and hence, increase of the temperature during an exercise. In case of an increase in C677T, a less functioning MTHFR is produced which will result in an increase in blood Homocysteine.In order to study the effect of eight week's compound exercises (aerobic and resistance) on homocysteine serum level on three genotypes (CC, CT, TT) of C677T polymorphism of Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene's (MTHFR) was conducted.
Methods: In this semi-experimental study, the homocysteine serum level of 60 obese male between the age of 30 to 40 with the BMI of 30 to 35(K⁄m^2 ) whom were diagnoests with grade 1 NAFLD which also were devided in six groups (3 control groups, 3 experimental groups), before and after of eight weeks of compound exercises were observed. The compound exercises were executed as the combination of aerobic and resistance exercieses for 3 seperated (non- consecutive) days in the way that at the first half of the session the aerobic exercieses were took place and in the second half the resistance exercieses. The aerobic exercises with the intensity of 65 percent of the maximum Save heart rate in the first sesseion and 75 percent of the maximum Save heart rate of the last session and the resistance exercises were based on non-linear base with emphasis on endurances and total readiness with the mean of Kramer and Flak with the intensity of 45 percent of the first session and the 60 percent of the last session have had happened. To compare the groups with eachother, the Statistical method of analysis of variance method, with repetitious size was used. If there were ment to be a difference between the groups for the means to compare them with eachother the Post hoc test LSD method, with errore of (05/0 ˂α) was considered, and the SPSS19 softwear was used to analyzing the experiment data.
Results: After 8 weeks, the results have shown that the different exercise groups have a noticeable variation in Homocysteine index(p=0/000). By analyzing the variance of the data, we can see that there is a meaningful difference between different groups. There is a meaningful difference between the groups, even disregarding the test cases (p=0/000). Due to the difference between the groups, the LSD test method is used to find the difference position. Based on this method, it have been resulted that the density of Homocysteine in TT genotype group was meaningfully reducted in comparison to other genotype groups, such as CT genotype group(p=0/000) and CC genotype group(p=0/026), however the CT genotype group did not show a noticeable differenc rather than CC genotype group(p=0/815), further result suggest that there is a noticeable difference between pre-test and post-test in TT genotype group(p=0/025) and also the same situation was happened with the CT exercise group(p=0/041), but there was no meaningful differences between pre-test and post-test of the CC group.
Conclusion: after eight week's compound exercises (aerobic and resistance) level homocysteine serum on genotype reduction performance of TT was better in reduction comparison to genotype CT and CC. this finding shows that, because of the reduction level of the homocysteine serum, probably the function of the liver in non-alcoholic fatty liver patients will improve.Overall conclusion: Eight week's compound exercises (aerobic and resistance) can significantly reduce the level of Homocysteine.considering the results of this study, it can be concluded that combined exercise of aerobic and resistance exercise could be used in curing the non-alcoholic fatty liver in the obese male patience in order to avoid wight gain and it’s comorbidities and also the lack of exercise in addition to curing the disease. These results also indicate that a reduced level of Homocysteine serum will probably result in better functionality of a fatty liver in the patience.
Type of Study:
Research |
Exercise Physiology