Volume 28, Issue 1 (3-2021)                   RJMS 2021, 28(1): 1-11 | Back to browse issues page

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fakhrpour R, yavari Y, saberi Y. The effect of eight weeks of Pilates training on serum levels of sirt-1 and some physical fitness of methamphetamine-addicted men. RJMS 2021; 28 (1) :1-11
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6069-en.html
Tabriz Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran , r.fakhrpour@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (1985 Views)
Background & Aims: Taking drugs (methamphetamines) increases free radicals and causes oxidative stress in the body. Addiction is a chronic disease that requires long-term treatment. To date, drugs that have been widely used to prevent relapse and reduce cravings in consumers have not been successful. Evidence also suggests that for better adaptation to the environment, a balance between physical fitness and physical composition is needed, and if individuals do not have favorable conditions in terms of physical condition and physical composition, they are usually isolated, pessimistic and isolated from mental balance. They will not have a good time. Basically, high levels of health, hygiene and physical fitness indicators can indicate the health and ability of a community and the term physical fitness can be used in connection with muscle strength, muscle strength, muscle endurance, cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility and agility. Other factors affecting the diseases of addicted people include oxidative stress caused by the production of free radicals. Free radicals have negative effects such as cardiovascular disease. If the production of free radicals exceeds the ability of the antioxidant defense system to withstand, oxidative pressure is created. With increasing oxidative pressure, the balance between oxidative stress and antioxidant system disappears and by overcoming oxidative pressure on the antioxidant system, inflammatory responses are stimulated and organs are damaged and ultimately lead to various diseases and endanger the health of the individual. Sirt-1 is a basic protein for coping with oxidative stress and homeostasis control, also known as the elixir of youth and longevity factor. Sirt-1 is a basic protein for coping with oxidative stress and homeostasis control, also known as the elixir of youth and longevity factor. Sirt-1 destiles many target proteins, such as p53 and FoxO proteins, which provide protection against apoptosis and play an important role in the survival of many cell types. Recent studies have shown that Sirt-1 controls the transcription activities of FoxO. It is predicted that Sirt-1 is a suitable candidate that regulates the cells of the body's tissues against oxidative stresses. The use of non-pharmacological methods such as exercise training is important for the treatment of addiction. Among these exercises are Pilates exercises. Pilates' goal is to strengthen the physical strength, achieve and maintain a healthy body, as well as a healthy mind to perform good daily tasks and other physical activities. So The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of eight weeks of Pilates training on serum levels of Sirt-1 and some physical fitness in methamphetamine-addicted men.
Methods: The present study was a semi-experimental study in which the study population of addicted men was quitting, 44 of whom were infected by random sampling method with at least three months of presence in addiction treatment camp in two groups (with inclusion criteria: a) duration of presence more than two months in Camp B) not taking certain drugs during the study period C) age range of 15-40 years d) history of drug use more than two years and addiction to methamphetamine And those with a history of orthopedic, cardiac and metabolic diseases with severe neurological symptoms were excluded from the study), exercise (21) and control group (23) were excluded. Seventy-two hours before the start of the training program, the subjects were familiar with the research conditions and the environment of the training hall in the briefing session and body indicators such as height and weight were measured. Also, in order to determine aerobic fitness and to evaluate the maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max), rockport one mile walking test was used and for muscular endurance was obtained through sitting test that the number of sittings per minute was measured for each person and for flexibility, sitting and reach test was used. Blood samples were performed 24 hours before the start of the exercises. The training group (Pilates) participated in 3 sessions of 60 Pilates precision training sessions each week. The control group continued their normal life until the end of the study without participating in any exercise program. Each Pilates training session consisted of 10 minutes of warm-up, 45 minutes of Pilates specialized training and 5 minutes of cooling. It should be noted that the training protocol based on the latest ACSM guidelines for inactive and unprovoked individuals and considered intensities also started from 40% and increased to 70% according to ACSM guidelines. Blood samples were taken from the braid vein in pre and post-test conditions of 5 cc. Sirt-1 concentration was measured using ZellBio GmbH ELISA kit, Germany. To detect the normal distribution of data, Kolmogrov-Smirnov test was used to investigate intragroup and intergroup changes of dependent and independent t-test. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 20 at a significant level of 0.05.
Results: Evaluations of dependent T-test after the intervention of eight seven Pilates exercises showed that sirt-1 serum values were significantly unchanged in the control group (p=0.814), but in the training group it was associated with a significant increase (p=0.001). Flexibility in the control group after 8 weeks was significantly unchanged (p=0.545), but in the training group after 8 weeks the intervention increased significantly (p=0.019) and muscle endurance in the control group after eight weeks was unchanged (p=0.496), but in the training group after eight weeks the intervention increased significantly (p=0.001).
Conclusion: The present study showed that after 8 weeks of Pilates training, serum levels of Sirt-1, muscular endurance and flexibility increased significantly. Considering the important role of Sirt-1 in different cellular processes and increasing its level after exercise and also strengthening physical fitness factors after exercises, it can be said that increasing these factors is one of the possible mechanisms that Pilates exercises can increase health and prevent risk factors and pathogenesis in addicts. Research has shown Sirt-1 plays its anti-oxidative role through SRT1720 activator, reducing oxidative stress caused by exposure to cigarette smoke in lung tissue. Sirt-1 does this by activating the Foxo3-dependent pathway and reducing oxidative stress caused by this pathway has a protective role against pulmonary inflammation in people with lung disease. Based on the present findings, Pilates training may be used as an important non-pharmacological agent to improve Sirt-1 and enhance muscle endurance and flexibility.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Exercise Physiology

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