Volume 26, Issue 5 (8-2019)                   RJMS 2019, 26(5): 67-78 | Back to browse issues page

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nikkhah S, sazgar H, Zia-jahromi N. Effect of silymarin on blood glucose concentration and pax4 gene expression and histopathology of pancreatic tissue in streptozotocin-induced diabetic wistar rats. RJMS 2019; 26 (5) :67-78
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-5546-en.html
Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord, Iran , h.seazgar@iaushk.com
Abstract:   (3446 Views)
Background: Considering the high rates of diabetes in Iran and the world and also due to the lower side effects of medicinal plants compared to industrial and chemical arbitrators, this study examined the effect of the active ingredient of tall moss (silymarin) on the expression of pax4 gene, one of the key genes for development and reconstruction of pancreatic beta cells.
Methods: The present study was of a fundamental type and its experimental method. 42 male Wistar rats were randomly selected and divided into 7 groups of sixths. Diabetic rats with diabetes mellitus straptozotocin have been diagnosed with fasting blood glucose every 10 days and then anesthetized and described after the end of the rats with anesthetics. A portion of the pancreatic tissue was isolated and the pax4 gene expression was analyzed using Real Time RT PCR.
Results: The active ingredient of silymarin caused a significant decrease in blood glucose levels in all of the patient groups receiving the drug (C, D, E, F). This drug significantly increased the expression of pax4 gene in the doses of mg/kg 150 and 100 silymarin (D, E) compared to diabetic controls (B) and other groups receiving silymarin and metformin (p<0.05). This increase in the gene expression is not dose-dependent and in the group treated by 150 mg/kg (D) dose of silymarin, the gene expression is lower than the group treated by 100 mg/kg (D) dose of silymarin.
Conclusion: The active ingredient of silymarin significantly increased the expression of the pax4 gene, and this gene, one of the beta cells repair and upkeep genes, improves and restores beta cells and pancreatic islets.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Genetic

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