Volume 12, Issue 49 (3-2006)                   RJMS 2006, 12(49): 97-102 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (6880 Views)

    Background & Aim: Diabetes is one of the risk factors for coronary artery diseases. Pathologic changes in the vasculature that occur in DM(Diabetes Mellitus) lead to coronary artery diseases. There are some reports that these groups of patients have longer ICU staying than non-diabetics. This descriptive cross-sectional study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of diabetes on pump time and ICU staying in CABG patients. Material & Method: During 2001 and 2002, 122 diabetic and non-diabetic patients who came to Namazi Hospital for coronary artery bypass grafting entered our study and their pump time and ICU staying were determined and analyzed statistically by Mann-whitney U test. Results: There was no difference between diabetics and non-diabetics regarding pump time and ICU staying. But the association between the number of coronary grafts and pump time and also pump time and ICU staying was significant. Conclusion: The results showed no significant difference between diabetics and non-diabetics in the length of ICU staying and pump time, but there was a linear relation between the pump time and ICU staying. The extensiveness of the coronary artery disease is the major determinant of the pump time and ICU staying after CABG(Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting).

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Type of Study: Research |

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