Background: Caffeine is isolated Methyl-xanthine, Alkaloid stimulants and it is the most commonly used drug in the world. The present study was to investigate the effect of caffeine on VO
2max and Electrocardiograph in active male of student college after Bruce exhaustive exercise.
Methods: 9 male active aged 25 (mean 20.9±1.37 years, fat percent 11.21±3.79 percentage and BMI 23.49±1.69 kg/m
2) allocated into two equal conditions: the supplement (5 caffeine) and without caffeine consumtion. After 60 min supplementation, subjects were participated in a single session of exhaustive Bruce Test. Changes in the VO
2max and QT interval distance were meatured
Results: The results showed that caffeine had significant effect on the increased levels of VO
2max after Bruce exhaustive exercise compared to the control condition. Also, levels of QT interval increased significantly after the exercise (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Caffeine could significantly increase the VO
2max and increase QT after Bruce exhaustive test. Maybe, level and severity of exercise increase the ventricular depolarization and repolarization and cardiac performance.