Volume 22, Issue 136 (10-2015)                   RJMS 2015, 22(136): 1-11 | Back to browse issues page

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, ahrizis@modares.ac.ir .
Abstract:   (7385 Views)

Background: anterior cruciate ligament injury (ACL) has destructive effects on the postural stability and muscle strength of the knee and cause to impair the neuromuscular control. Patients with ACL injury divided to Coper and Noncoper groups. The purpose of this study has been to compare the muscle strength and postural stability of the two groups of the patients with the ACL- injury: Coper and Noncoper

Methods: In this case control study, 23 athletic individuals with ACL rupture (11 coper, 12 noncoper) and 12 healthy athletic control ones, completely  matched with case groups as demographic parameters, have participated. The Strength and postural stability have been evaluated. Postural control has been evaluated through the Biodex Stability System in two levels (4 & 8). The muscle strength has been evaluated by Isokinetic dynamometer and parameters are set at angular velocity of 60°/s and concentric form.

Results: Both groups of coper and noncoper of the patients with ACL injury have less postural stability compared to the control subjects, so that the Coper group have the greatest changes in the postural stability of the individuals(p<0.05). Also, the quadriceps muscle strength of the noncoper group is less than healthy group (p=0.00).

Conclusions: The coper group with regarding the muscle strength and noncoper group with regarding the postural stability  act so similar to the control subjects.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Physiotherapy

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