Background: Because of the limitations concerning health centers and
hospitals in Iran, the length of stays at the hospitals is of high importance.
The purpose of this research is to investigate the factors affecting the length
of stay among appendectomy patients at Social Security Organization hospitals
using a multilevel model.
Methods: We presented an
applied-analytical study which investigated the relation between length of stay
among appendectomy patients at Social Security Organization hospitals and
variables namely, age, gender, type of insurance and the inpatient bed count at
hospital. The
information of patients who were hospitalized in hospitals for appendectomy
during the first 6 months of 2009, were gathered from HIS system of the hospitals. The three-level regression statistical method
was used to analyze the data. All analyses were conducted
in SAS 9.1 software.
Results: The findings show that the average length of stay among
patients was 2.4 days and gender, age, type of insurance and the number of
inpatient bed count at the hospital had no effect on the length of stay at
hospital. The results also indicated that there is a significant difference
between the lengths of stay in different hospitals but no significant
difference was observed between different provinces.
Conclusion: Considering the dependence between the data and using the
multi-level regression model led to concluding the significant difference
between the length of stay in different hospitals.