نجم آبادی شهاندخت، نجومی مرضیه. مقایسه الگوی مصرف مواد غذایی در رژیم غذایی خانوارهای ساکن مناطق مختلف غرب تهران با استاندارد های تغذیه ای توصیه شده. مجله علوم پزشکی رازی. 1381; 9 (32) :759-766
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-1693-fa.html
چکیده: (6903 مشاهده)
In this descriptive cross-sectional survey, main perpose was evaluated the food pattern of house holds in west of Tehran. 1149 household resident in west area of Tehran where the public health is supervised by iran University of Medcial Sciences and Health services Were selected by random stratified cluster sampling. Data collection was done by interview method using as frequency questionaire. The results show: inadequency consumption in milk and dairy food group 7.6% households had no consumption of this mainfood group in daily foodpattern. Inadequency consumption in vegetable and fruite group was shown that 43.4% houseolds had no daily consumption in veg. Food group and 25.6% households had no daily consumption of fruite group. As recommended nutritional Guids to consumpt vegtables 3-5 serving daily and 2-4 serving fruite group daily. Statistical analysis show mean consumption of food groups in different area was significantly diffrence.
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علوم تغذیه