چکیده: (7642 مشاهده)
Quality of life is a composite measure of physical, mental and social wellbeing as preceived by each individual or by group of individuals that is to say happiness, satisfaction and gratification as it is experienced in such life concerns as health, marriage, self-esteem, creativity, belongingness, and trust in others. Dermatologic discorders have a major impact on patients’ psychosocial state, and every day activities. Comparing quality of life in patients with and without skin disease can be a determinor of life situation in dermatologic patients and show different aspects that affect in their life. It can be a mean to give better therapeutic services, promotion of life level give advise preventive cares to them. It’s an observational-comparative study applied on 100 patients suffering from psoriasis, acne, eczema, pigmentation disorders (melasma, vitiligo), alopecia, and 100 healthy people selected from the relatives who accompanied patients attending the dermatology clinics, as control group. The control group had a similar mean of age and sex distribution. Finally, the quality of life which include the activities and psychosocial compliants by a likert questionair consist of 15 questions with validity equal to 0.4 and reliability coeficient (cronbach’s alpha) equal to 0.81, compared between the patients and the controls. In analysis t test, one way ANOVA and nonparametric equivalents of them and univariate general linear model (for deletion the effect of confounding variables) were applied. The quality of life in patients was worse than controls. (P<0.009) In the psychosocial part, the patients’ quality of life was worse than the controls, too(P<0.009). There was a positive correlation between the quality of life by age (P=0.01, r=0.125) and income (P=0.022, eta=0.22) in all cases & controls. The worse quality of life in the patients with acne and pigmentation disorders may be induced by the visibility of lesions and being younger rather than the others. A special notice to the psychic part of dermatologic disorders is crucial and a psychiatrist can help the dermatologic patients, even they have not the psychologic compliants. About the patients who don’t make a good response to current dermatologic therapies, we can consult a psychiatrist. Also comparison of the Quality of life -before and after of treatment- can be used for the evaluation of the efficacy of treatment.
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