Volume 16 -                   RJMS 2010, 16 - : 27-34 | Back to browse issues page

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Jelodar G, Roodashtian M. Effect of Radiation Leakage of Microwave Oven on Hematological Parameters of Female Mice at Pre and Post Pubertal Stages . RJMS 2010; 16 :27-34
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-1393-en.html
Abstract:   (7218 Views)

  Background & Aim: High frequency waves are widely used in telecommunication and cooking. The biological effects of these waves are in great attention. Increased hematological problems proposed their possible relation to the use of microwaves. Bone marrow and blood cells are the body tissues which can be affected by these waves. Ladies are more in touch with microwave oven.The age of exposure may also be an important factor. This study was carried out to evaluate hematological parameters in female mice exposed to microwave radiation at pre and post pubertal stages.

  Material and Method : For this study 20 adult (2 months old, 25-28 g) and 20 immature (7 days old, 3-4 g) female mice were selected and each group was randomly divided into two groups: control and test group. Test groups were exposed to 2450 MHZ microwaves produced by microwave oven three times a day, 30 minutes each time. After 60 days blood was collected by heart puncture and hematological parameters including Hb, MCHC, MCV,total number of platelets, RBC and WBC were evaluated.

  Results: In immature group, Hb, MCHC,and total number of PLT and WBC decreased significantly compared to controls, while the number of RBC did not change in both test groups. In mature group, only the number of WBC decreased and the number of platelets increased significantly compared to control group (P<0.05).

  Conclusion: Exposure to radiation leakage of microwave oven significantly affected hematological parameters in both mature and immature female mice. These changes were more severe in immature group. These effects may be attributed to direct effect of waves on bone marrow or peripheral blood cells.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Human Physiology

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