Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-8 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1402.222
Clinical trials code: 01

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Moradi gardeshi M H, Yousefi Saeed Abadi R, Taghvaei Yazdi M. Identification of the Ranking of Dimensions of Care-Oriented Leadership Among School Principals in Mazandaran Province. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-8
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8921-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Humanities, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Sari, Iran , rezayusefi2022@gmail.com
Abstract:   (126 Views)
Background & Aims: Positive relationships lead to the creation of social capital or a set of supportive connections that are essential for effective academic work in the classroom. Such caring relationships can influence the path that students follow during their education, especially in schools where many students face challenging lives outside of school. School principals can develop their caring leadership by focusing on the development of caring curricula, establishing identifiable school structures based on care, and creating a school culture rooted in care. However, bureaucratic and political structures, along with authoritarian and transactional leadership models that prevail in today's school systems, prevent educational leaders from creating caring communities within schools based on shared values and strategies. Without these positive, caring relationships, students are placed in a risky situation regarding teaching and learning. A caring school principal, through the use of behaviors and characteristics of caring educational leadership, fosters the understanding of the importance of creating a caring environment within the school and collectively establishes the principle of care in the school environment, which has positive impacts on student teaching and learning. Therefore, school leaders play a significant role in deliberately fostering a culture at the school level and setting and developing high educational expectations for students. Although education is one of the simplest ways to improve management, formal training programs for caring leadership for principals involve significant complexity and cost for schools. Moreover, unfortunately, in the educational environments of our country, the concept of caring leadership and the need for its implementation remain unfamiliar to many principals, and the adoption of new philosophies and approaches of caring leadership in the Iranian education system has not been well received. For caring leadership, applying supportive and caring leadership theories in countries outside their country of origin requires studies to test and confirm them in these countries. It is these kinds of studies and research that form the foundation for creating an indigenous model of caring leadership tailored to the culture of a specific country. Existing models of caring leadership are foreign models that do not align with our indigenous context or with practical situations and local issues. Given the importance of the topic of caring leadership in schools, the aim of this research was to identify the ranking of the dimensions of caring leadership among school principals in Mazandaran province.
Methods: The statistical population of the research in the qualitative section consisted of selected experts from the Education Organization of Mazandaran province. The sample size for the qualitative section was determined to be 17 people, based on the saturation principle. In the quantitative section, the statistical population included principals and vice-principals of education departments and high school principals in Mazandaran province for the 2021-2022 academic year, who held official positions, totaling 1,412 individuals. The sample size was determined using cluster and stratified sampling methods based on position, and using the Krejcie-Morgan table, the sample size was set to 306 participants. Data collection was done through library research, and the measurement tools in the qualitative section included semi-structured interviews, while in the quantitative section, it included a researcher-developed questionnaire, with the questions derived from the data obtained from the interviews. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed. Additionally, the reliability coefficient was determined using Cronbach's alpha, and it was found to be acceptable for all dimensions and components of the questionnaire. Data analysis in the qualitative section was conducted using the Delphi technique, while in the quantitative section, the Friedman ranking test was used.
Results: The results showed that, in terms of ranking the dimensions of caring leadership of school principals in Mazandaran province, the dimensions are as follows: 1) Goals, 2) Characteristics, and 3) Implementation Methods.
Conclusion: The findings of this study indicate that the concept of caring leadership among school principals is structured around three fundamental dimensions: goals, characteristics, and implementation methods. These dimensions, in a specific order, play a crucial role in the realization of this leadership style. Among them, goals serve as the most fundamental pillar, guiding the overall direction of principals’ activities and focusing on creating a safe and supportive environment that enhances the psychological and social well-being of students and teachers. Following goals, the personal and professional characteristics of principals hold the second level of importance. These include abilities such as empathy, responsibility, and communication skills, which enable principals to make effective and humane decisions in complex situations. The third dimension, implementation methods, encompasses the tools and strategies that principals utilize to achieve their goals and leverage their personal attributes. Examples of such strategies include fostering positive interactions, creating a supportive environment, and implementing participatory management. These findings highlight the necessity of focusing on clear goal-setting, developing managerial characteristics, and employing effective implementation methods to enhance the quality of caring leadership. The alignment and interaction of these dimensions can contribute to creating an optimal school environment and significantly impact the success of educational institutions.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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