Research code: A-10-7204-3
Ethics code: IR.IAU.KHUISF.REC.1402.266
Clinical trials code: 1234

XML Persian Abstract Print

Academic staff, Department of Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan - Academic staff, Department of Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan - - - Academic staff, Department of Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan ,
Abstract:   (279 Views)
This is a topic that has a different address. This is a different topic at this time. It is a different resource for making decisions about it, and it is difficult to use it in a variety of ways. It has a variety of activities, such as the subject of the current topic. It is important to get accustomed to the structure of the nervous system and the nerves of the brain and Javan month of Kerman, the Amari University in Bakhsh, a comprehensive educational institution, 20 people, specialized in technology and psychology, who are accustomed to the university and in Bakhsh, I have a comprehensive education system, 40 people, who specialize in technology and medicine, and who are accustomed to it. The first year of middle school, my grades are 400-1399, and I have a picture of it. Coincidence is the choice of a Persian perspective, a Dronetic and Byronic consideration, the linguistic is conceptual, and it is based on the system and a time that has been verified, making use of these novels in the way of specialists in Persian, and making use of Cronbach's alphabet in this way. B 76/0 and 82/0 by Dst Amed . After his opinion of the program “Amuzshi” in the Azmaish group and his non-opinion in the group “Azmayesh”, as a result, he has been in trouble for a long time due to the fact that a group of “Azamish” under the influence of a German iron stabilizer has occurred. What is the reason behind the habit of building up a nerve? What are the meanings and significance of the activity of Danish Amuzhan and Dirgiri Sazi, which is the most important thing with this program, which is what I want to do with it? There is a possibility of earning potential, which is necessary in order to avoid dangerous materials. Drug and habit, in the Danish language.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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