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A model proposed to prevention of Creutzfeldt-Jakob transmission by blood products in Iran Sayed Mahdi Marashi
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Cloning and expression of two metalloproteinase inhibitors of Hemiscorpius lepturus (Khuzestan dangerous scorpion). Mahrdad Ahadi, Mahdi Behdani, Delavar Shahbazzadeh, Fatemeh Kazemi-Lomedasht
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Psychometric Properties of the Kessler psychological distress scale (K6) based on classical test theory and Item-response theory Farhad Tanhaye Reshvanloo, Hossein Kareshki, Maryam Amani, Saeedeh Esfandyari, Marziyeh Torkamani
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Demographic and clinical factors affecting cancer-related fatigue zohre bahrami baresari, Abbas Abbaszadeh, Ghazaleh Heydarirad
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Effect of rhythmic exercises with music on anxiety, depression and hyperactivity / attention deficits disorder in primary school children HAMED SABZEVARI, shahab parvinpor, saeed arsham
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Antimicrobial activity of natural antimicrobial substances against Escherichia coli O157: H7 Zolaikha Shiravani, Hossein Tajik, Javad Aliakbarlu
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Frequency of patients with adverse drug reactions admitted in Shahid Sadoughi Hospital in Yazd during 2011-2015 Alireza Shafiei, Nasrin Behniafard
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Comparison of the effect of group therapy based on family systems theory and short-term object relations couple therapy on the women’s marital adjustment Nayereh Jahanbakhshian, Mohsen Rasouli, Azizollah Tajikesaeili, Ghollamreza Sarrami Foroshani
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Effects of Eucheuma Cottoni L Algae on COX2 and SOD genes in Breast Cancer Tissue Induced in Balb-C Mice by REAL-TIME PCR Shahrzad Nokhbeh Zaeem, Mitra Heydari Nasrabadi, Masoud Salehipour
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The effect of educational intervention on physical activity self-efficacy and knowledge about benefits and safety among pregnant women Atefesadat Mousavi, Elham Shakibazadeh, Roya Sadeghi, Azar Tol, Abbas Rahimi Foroushani, Bahram Mohebbi
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Comparison of antimicrobial effects of several plant extracts with silversulfadiazine in the treatment of burns caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in vitro and in vivo Fereshteh Amiri, Reza Shapouri, Mahdi Jafarzadeh
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Evaluation of expression of miR-182-3p in blood circulation of patients with breast cancer shima ghorbanifar, majid pornour, mojtaba sohrabi
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Effect of eight-week exercise and crocin on the apoptotic indices of male rats’ testicles subjected to the apoptosis by Doxorubicin Kiyanoosh Darash, Mohsen Ghanbarzadeh, Masoud Masoud
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