Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-18 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC. 1403.120
Clinical trials code: 01

XML Persian Abstract Print

Assistant Professor, Department of Sports Management, Faculty of Humanities, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran , mohammadhami@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (364 Views)

Background & Aims: Today's landscape of professional and Olympic sports is undoubtedly more competitive than ever. To achieve international sports success, many countries have adopted and developed systematic talent identification and development programs in an effort to maximize the ability of their athletes. Countries such as the United States of America, England, Australia, South Korea, Japan, China, and recently Singapore have invested a lot of resources in talent development programs. Athletes who have high performance due to their brilliant talents and by using their potential capabilities and unique individual characteristics are considered to have optimal performance in the development of various sports disciplines. Talents who have potential abilities from a basic age and are quickly noticed by experts in a sports field, actually prepare the path of success for a sports field. Talent management in an academic manner can help in sports development and social. Therefore, the purpose of this study was the development model of sports academies with a talent development approach.
Methods: The approach of this research was mixed (qualitative and quantitative). The statistical population of the research in the qualitative part was sports management experts and managers of sports academies, 17 of them were considered as the sample size in a targeted manner and snowball tactics. The data collection tool in the qualitative part of the research was in-depth and semi-structured interviews, and in the quantitative part, a questionnaire from the qualitative part (made by the researcher) was used. These questionnaires were given to 284 managers, coaches of sports academies, players and referees, and members of the talent search committees of different federations. Data analysis was done in the qualitative part using Max Kyuda version 2022 software and in the quantitative part using Smart PLS version 4 and SPSS version 29 software
Results: The results showed that 6 Greenschi categories included physiological indicators, psychological indicators, institutions related to the academy, knowledge management, effective human resources, and the structure of discovery and statistics. Also, 9 main categories and 34 concepts were discovered and counted as strategic categories and concepts of talent management in sports academies, and in total, after categorizing the primary codes, 7 consequence categories including technical consequences, organizational consequences, management consequences, psychological consequences, ideal consequences, consequences Infrastructural and social consequences were extracted. Also, the quality test of the research model showed that the research model has a good fit and quality. In the current research, the examination of the reliability values ​​presented in the above table shows that all research variables have good reliability. Cronbach's alpha: All Cronbach's alpha values ​​for observable variables are greater than 0.6. This indicates high internal consistency and stability of questionnaire results among different questions. Spearman coefficient values ​​for all observable variables are higher than 0.6. This index also shows a strong correlation between the questions and the desired reliability of the questionnaire. All the combined reliability coefficient values ​​for observable variables are greater than 0.7. This index shows the contribution of each question in explaining the variance of the observable variables and the structural reliability of the model. Also, all the average values ​​of extracted variance for observable variables are higher than 0.5. This index indicates the amount of variance explained by each question and is indirectly related to the reliability of the questions.
Conclusion: In general, for the proper management of talent search in sports academies, more attention should be paid to the principles and process in federations, anthropometric factors, supervision and control, organization, event management, human resources working in sports, human resources and finally the commitment of human resources. The psychological consequence category focuses on the psychological and motivational aspects of talent management. Developing psychological qualities such as concentration, stress management and self-confidence in athletes can help them succeed. In addition, proper talent management can increase motivation and interest in sports among young people. Infrastructural implications refer to the role of talent management in the development of hardware and software infrastructure such as equipment, facilities, and management systems in sports academies. Successful talent management can help attract more investments in this area and lead to the improvement of the quality of academics. Organizational implications the implications of talent management for sports organizations such as federations and clubs are considered. Talent search and training of young athletes can help to save costs, provide specialized human resources, and achieve international success for these organizations. Also, the ideal consequences, which had a higher coefficient of importance than other consequences, deal with the spiritual and ideal aspects of talent management. Identifying and nurturing sports talents can help people achieve excellence and self-fulfillment and pave the way to achieve their dreams. Finally, the category of social consequences deals with the role of talent management in the cultural and social development of society. Promoting sports through the identification and cultivation of talents can help improve the physical and mental health of society, increase the spirit of vitality and vitality, and better recognize national capabilities. According to the research findings, the following suggestions can be made to improve talent management in sports academies; The fields of activation of physical education of the Ministry of Education in the matter of talent management should be provided, and continuous interaction with sports institutions, the fields of identification in the matter of finding talent should be created. Sports institutions such as academies, education, and sports federations should document information related to sports talents and national elite athletes and identify and follow the development path of talents by setting up a database of sports talents. Effective human resources and equipment structure of well-equipped and electronic sports venues, as well as decision-makers in the field of sports should have a national attitude. In general, for the proper management of talent search in sports academies, more attention should be paid to the principles and process in federations, anthropometric factors, monitoring and control, organization, event management, human resources working in sports, human resources, and finally the commitment of human resources.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Physiology

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