Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-9 | Back to browse issues page

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Seyedalangi S O K, Khorasani Torughi H, Samanian M. Investigating Green Human Resource Management and Explaining Its Impact on Green Supply Chain Management. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-9
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8283-en.html
Assistant Professor of Management Department, Faculty of Humanities, Bojnord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Branch, Iran , khorasanitoroghi@gmail.com
Abstract:   (173 Views)
Background & Aims: The growth of environmental concerns means the need to pay attention to issues related to environmental pollution in supply chain management activities along with industrial development, which has led to the emergence of the green concept. Today, the development of societies has caused excessive use of natural resources, destruction of the environment, creation of various pollutions, etc., which is a threat to the sustainable development of these societies. Therefore, it is necessary for organizations, as the largest members of societies, to recognize the effects of their behaviors on the environment and to take measures to reduce the negative effects of these behaviors on natural ecosystems. To help the environment, organizations have become greener. "Green organization" is an organization that defines its missions, goals, and tasks based on the preservation of the environment and scarce and limited environmental resources so that they can be used optimally. Undoubtedly, the current world is the world of organizations and the custodians of these organizations are humans. The people who breathe life into the body of the organization set it in motion, and manage it. Organizations not only have no concept without human resources, but also their administration will not be possible. One of the concerns that organizations pay attention to today is compliance with environmental issues in their activities, in other words, green management. One of the ways to realize environmental management is to pay attention to this issue in human resource management, or other words, green human resource management. Overall, fundamental momentum has been created and the world is entering and experiencing the green economy. An economy where human power and capital as the main axis in economic growth shows its superiority over physical capital, and the necessity of survival in it will be attention to the demands of consumers and the future changes of jobs, which are the issues of the environment. Biology and sustainable development are among the priorities of these changes. Green supply chain due to factors such as the increase in the regulations of governmental and non-governmental organizations and the pressure of customers to comply with environmental issues have caused organizations to examine the necessary measures regarding the application of green supply chain management to improve environmental and economic performance. Therefore, considering the importance of preserving the environment at the global level, it is necessary to be able to provide models for the implementation of these goals and use them to achieve sustainable production and supply, which are up-to-date and in many responsive to the latest decisions and recent developments. Therefore, according to the said content, we can understand the importance of preserving the environment and the impact of human resources on its management. Therefore, trying to identify and develop the characteristics and capabilities of human resources in organizations in a way that leads to the creation of a green organization, green management, green human resources, and green supply chain management, in the realization of environmental goals. It is necessary. Therefore, the main question of this research is: Is there a positive and significant effect between the components of green human resource management on green supply chain management in North Khorasan production units?
Methods: This research is correlative in terms of nature and content, which was approved by the Code of Ethics IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1403.098 in the Code of Ethics Commission of Islamic Azad University, Sari branch. The statistical population and statistical sample include employees of production units in North Khorasan province. The cluster sampling method was used in this research. The total number of production companies in North Khorasan in 2017 was about 248 active production units. The sample size was determined using the Karjesi and Morgan table of 151 production units and was considered as a statistical sample using a simple random method. The collection tool was Tang et al.'s green human resource management questionnaire (2018) and Lotfi et al.'s supply chain (2018). Structural equation modeling and multivariate regression methods were used to analyze the data.
Results: The results showed that there is a positive and significant effect between the components of human resource management on green supply chain management in North Khorasan production units with a path coefficient of 0.527 and a T-statistic of 2.079.
Conclusion: The results of the research showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between the components of green human resource management on green supply chain management in the production units of North Khorasan, and green human resource management helps in increasing green supply chain management. It is suggested to production units: Production units should attract and select volunteers who have green awareness by using a series of tests to ensure that all employees have a positive opinion about environmental issues. To attract green human resources that use green criteria to select the organization. Managers use green branding to attract green employees and the organization hires employees who have green awareness. According to the obtained results, it can be said that there is a positive and significant relationship between green training and green supply chain management in the production units of North Khorasan and it is suggested to the production units that: training is one of the activities that It helps managers in doing green activities. So the success of green management, followed by the green management of human resources, depends on the existence of green education. Managers of production units should create training programs regarding environmental management to strengthen employees' environmental awareness, skills, and expertise. Managers should have comprehensive training and green knowledge management to create emotional participation of human resources in environmental management and link environmental education and knowledge to behavior to create preventive solutions. According to the results obtained from the research, it can be said that green performance management has a positive and significant relationship with green supply chain management in the production units of North Khorasan and it is suggested to the production units that: production units should have a systematic method for Identify the implementation of green performance management. Therefore, adopting a common standard of green performance management for different types of companies is urgent. Green performance indicators should be used in the performance management system and evaluations. Production units for managers and employees to determine green goals, objectives, and responsibilities. Managers set goals to realize the green results included in the evaluations, and the performance management system, a negative score is considered for non-compliance or non-fulfillment of environmental management goals.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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