Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-9 | Back to browse issues page

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Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1402.249
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Nosrat A, Rasouli M, Nasrollahi Kasmani A. Identifying the Components Describing the Emotions and Cognitive Attitudes of Social Media Users in the Face of Viral Crises. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-9
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8179-en.html
Associate Professor, Department of Culture and Communication, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran , moh.rasouli@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (299 Views)
Background & Aims: Naturally, societies go through various crises during their historical life. Crises that are sometimes the result of human actions and sometimes occur without human will like natural disasters, but they leave a deep impact on daily life and sometimes even on the history of that border and region. In any case, when society faces these crises, depending on its understanding of them as well as its time conditions, it gives practical answers to that crisis. This answer can be studied and represented in most of the collective and social behaviors of members of the society as well as the government of the men of that society. The media, whether official media or social media are currently the best sources to obtain the conversations that are going on at the official level (such as news agencies) and unofficial (such as social media) in society. When a crisis is perceived by people, they quickly talk about it on social networks, and share their opinions and analysis, and in this way, society reflects its feelings and attitudes on the media platform of social networks. Today, the official media have also strengthened their bases in social networks and publish their messages on the same platform where people communicate with each other. create their personal pages and collective groups, the number of these messages is increasing in a very wide way. Therefore, nowadays it is impossible to study all messages or even a significant percentage of messages by one researcher or even one research team. Therefore, the use of intelligent data mining analytical methods with the help of powerful processing machines has become one of the most important research methods in today's world. Understanding what stages the society has gone through when facing a crisis helps to understand the "dynamic model of society's behavior and discourse" in that crisis. Theoretically, this type of analysis is new in the space of media analysis, and the aspects of which this article deals with the natural crisis of Corona are new and of course very practical. The combined use of artificial intelligence and cognitive science in media analysis has a lot of room for growth and this article can encourage interdisciplinary research and theoretical activities in this field. From a practical point of view, the results of this article will be very useful and practical for all those who are involved in macro policy-making, media people, and also related business owners. The presentation of the results and achievements of this research can lead to the demands of the stakeholders, but during the time of the research and when its achievements were revealed, based on the request of the National Corona Headquarters and relevant decision-making institutions in the country, consultations were given based on the achievements. It was their request. One of the goals of this article is to identify the dynamics of changing feelings and attitudes of social media users in the face of natural crises by using artificial intelligence in the face of the crisis caused by Corona and also to introduce the dynamics of changing feelings and attitudes of the Iranian society in the face of the Corona crisis to use And use in decision-making, policy-making, and social crisis management can be mentioned.
Methods: The research method in this article is the meta-synthesis research method, which qualitatively examines and reviews previous studies. The meta-synthesis research method is very similar to the content analysis qualitative research method. In the content analysis research method, the researcher studies, codes, analyzes, and interprets the contents, and in the meta-synthesis research method, the researcher studies, codes, analyzes, and interprets the results of previous research.
Results: After collecting the data from social networks and pre-processing them, a call was made to research these data. Out of a total of 96 projects received, 29 projects were eliminated in the initial evaluation (proposal evaluation) by the jury. Then the complete documents were given to the rest of the teams and they were asked to complete their research plans and send them by the end of the deadline. After the end of the submission deadline in the second stage of evaluation, 42 other teams were eliminated and 25 teams were accepted. All the projects accepted by the jury are considered inputs for this research. 13 of the projects are considered weaker than the others. The jury, by reviewing the research projects, judged among them and introduced the top 5 projects in order. Then three other teams were recognized as worthy of recognition.
Conclusion: After the second round of judging, the research project of 25 teams was accepted by the jury, and among them, the top 5 teams were ranked first to fifth, and the next three teams were evaluated as worthy of recognition and the activity The next 4 teams were evaluated favorably. Considering that from each research project, several interpretive propositions were collected as the result of that research and then it was checked which categories and subcategories each of the propositions are related to, this question was important for the researcher to see how many researchers have been involved in each category?
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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